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Fields order in Data Composition Schema report
How to change order of resource type fields in report created using Data Composition Schema? They are for some reason are always last ones.
What Data Does SessionParametersSetting Parameter Contain?
Please help to understand the SessionParametersSetting(SessionParametersSetting) procedure which is placed in the Session Module. How is the SessionParametersSetting parameter filled? I have 5 Session Parameters (CurrentUser, CurrentUserOrganizations, CurrentUserDepartments and so on), but in the SessionParametersSetting array there is only CurrentUser parameter… Why only it and no others?
Controllable Locks, Setting Values, Which objects the controllable lock will be applied?
In Syntax Assistant in ‘Datalock’ section there is the following script:
Blocking = New DataLock;
LockItem = Blocking.Add("AccumulationRegister.GoodsInStocks");
LockItem.SetValue("Quality", Catalogs.Quality.FindByCode("1"));
LockItem.Mode = DataLockMode.Exclusive;
LockItem.DataSource = DocumentObject.ReturnableContainer;
LockItem.UseFromDataSource("Nomenclature", "Nomenclature");
LockItem.UseFromDataSource("Stock", "Stock");

We are setting lock on accumulation register fields for the ReturnableContainer tabular section of a document. Due to there is a SetValue method call, which sets a restriction by the Quality field, the lock will be applied only to records, having the Quality field equal to the reference to the Quality catalog item with code ‘1’. Here is the question: Will the lock be applied to all records having the Nomenclature ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ the Stock dimensions values, which are going to be set?
Opening a directory (folder) in managed mode in Thin Client, How to open a directory (folder) in managed mode in Thin Client?
How to open a directory (folder) in managed mode in Thin Client? As far as I understood, for this case there is only the PutFile procedure, but it is only for files, and setting an open directory mode is impossible there.
Lock Conflict During Posting
When we close the month using the document which calculates the financial results users often receive a Lock Conflict message. I guess that this is because of writing large amount of data at a time into registers. So when other users are trying to post their documents into those registers the lock conflict occurs. What can I do in this case?
Get List of Currently Opened Forms
I need to get the list of currently opened forms (documents, catalogs, data processors) from my data processor and get an access to its data for editing and calling procedures and functions of these forms. Is there a way to do that?
TypeDescription Attribute Type
I have an attribute of TypeDescription type. The user chooses there some documents (one or several – it doesn’t matter). I want to provide a list of documents of the selected type, for example Customer Order.
The 1C:Script:
Document = ObjectTypes.Types().Get(0);

It gives the document type. But how can I open the list of documents of this type?
How to Get a Value from Report Template Cell?
I’m implementing a report with cells where a user can enter values. Those values I need to handle. I do the following: check ContainsValue check box, set ValueType to Number, set Contol to Text box. How can I get a value from this cell now?
Expense Report by Contractors
I have a Report for Expenses by Counterparties and Contractors, which looks like the this:
Counterparty 1
- Goods Group 1 Supply Contract: 210
Counterparty 2
- Goods Group 1 Supply Contract: 130

And I would like to have a report looking like that:
Goods Group 1 Supply Contract
- Counterparty 1: 210
- Counterparty 2: 130

How can I implement this? Any ideas? The Data Composition Schema does not want to group contracts and gives the following best result:
Goods Group 1 Supply Contract
- Counterparty 1: 210
Goods Group 1 Supply Contract
- Counterparty 2: 130
Progress for Long Operations at Server
Hi, gurus!
Please assist, how can I make a progress for long operations which are performed at server? For example I want to convert some data in a huge catalog during an update of the infobase. This operation might take for example 20 minutes and I would like to display a user the progress of this operaton not to get interrupted in the middle of something when they will reboot a server.
The problem is that when I start running this operation the client stops responding and I can not make calls to the server to get the progress and display it to the user.
Thanks in advice.
The Report, DataSet – Object, Problem with Setting the Right Value of the Filter
I filled a ValueTable with data from the external SQL and passed it to the Data Composition Schema DataSet of the Object type, set field names, outputted it into the SpreadsheetDocumentField. The report was generated, cool… But when I tried to make a filter and use the conditional appearance I’ve got a problem:
LeftValue = ID;
ComparisonType = equal;
RightValue lets to choose only fields which are listed in the DataSet and when I’m trying to input a number there an error is displayed: “Value ‘…’ is not found”.
All Functions Menu Item in the Managed Application
The Main Menu item All Functions is displayed only if the application is started from Designer mode, but in a normal run it is absent. What is the reason? Not enough user rights?
Saving Pictures on a Hard Drive
Saving pictures on a hard drive, creating directories by Goods catalog items descriptions and saving related pictures in those directories.
To create a directory I use CreateDirectory() function, but how to save a picture in that directory?
How to Open Managed Forms in the Main Application Window?
Good afternoon!
I’m trying to solve a non-standard task: adopt the Managed Application interface of 1C to the common web standard: smooth navigation in the main browser window with a minimum of additionally opened windows.
The configuration is small, very special and totally written by us. So we can do it in the way we like it.
The question: is there a technique which allows opening objects forms in the main application window? List forms are opened in the main window, there is no problem, but objects forms (catalog items, documents) are opened in separate windows.
How to Apply a "Global" Filter?
There is a common infobase working in the 8.2 Thin Client Mode. Many branches are working in it. I need to make every branch to see only documents and catalogs which are assigned to this branch. Many objects have a Branch attribute.
The problem is that there are many configuration objects which have this attribute and many forms are involved. Is there a solution easier, than applying filters to all ListForms?
All Organizations in a Single Infobase vs. Each Organization in its Own Infobase
What do you think, which variant gives better performance: accounting for all organizations in a single infobase or creating a separate infobase for each organization in Client/server mode of 1C:Enterprise with MS SQL Server 2008?
According to the experience of working in the File Mode it is known that the bigger infobase is and the more active users there are the slower infobase works. Will the same effect be achieved in Client/server mode? And will there be benefits if the separate infobase for each organization will be placed all in the single server (in Client/server and File modes)?
The total number of users is about 250, but in a single organization only 3-4 users will work at a time.
Move() Method of the ValueTable
1C:8.2, Managed Forms.
I need to manually arrange rows in the ValueTable. There is a method named Move(). It receives an index of the current row and the moving direction. I spent a lot of time to find the way to get an index of the current row and this is where I am:
Procedure MoveDown(Command)
    Index = Items.PricesTable.CurrentRow;
    If Index = Object.PricesTable.Count() - 1 Then
    Object.PricesTable.Move(Index, 1);
    Items.PricesTable.CurrentRow = Index+1;

I’m doing the following: selecting a row which I would like to move (by clicking on it), clicking on the MoveDown button. The selected row is moving down, but the selection stays where it was. If I remove the last line:
Items.PricesTable.CurrentRow = Index+1;

The selection moves, but the row index does not update. So when I click multiple times only two last rows do change places. How to fix it?
Message to a user during document posting, is the best way to show information to a user during the document posting?
is the best way to show information to a user during the document posting? If using a Message procedure, the user cannot see messages because the document form is closing very fast after posting.
Copying controls programmatically, Is it possible to copy a form control programmatically?
Is it possible to copy a form control programmatically? Not creating, but copying the one, that already exists on a form.
Programmatically turn off the hierarchical view, Is it possible to turn off the hierarchical view while opening a form programmatically?
Is it possible to turn off the hierarchical view while opening a form programmatically?
Collaboration on a project, How to colaborate several programmers with 1C:Enterprise?
There is a team of programmers. Is there any revision control system for configurations? The problem is that when changes are written into a working infobase, other programmers work is lost.
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