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What does this type of warning mean?

Return value type "Undefined" that has different environment
  than calling context

The code works just fine. I am just curious that maybe I am missing something.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - May 30, 2018 03:39 PM
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I think I have found the solution for this. You can try "Validate all" option. It seems like these errors are cached from the previous installation.

Also I have noticed that syntax assistant fails when you have some function in Manager module or Object module (without any & prefix) and it calls some procedure form common module with the only option "Server". Syntax assistant shows that the procedure or function is not found. But if you add "Server call" it finds it without problem, although this module might be just server side.

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I'll post here some more errors to correct:

Syntax assistant does not know about XMLNodeType at [WebClient],

although according to the internal help:

Contains types of XML nodes that can be obtained by reading XML using the XMLReader object.

None, StartElement, EndElement, Attribute, Text, ProcessingInstruction, CDATASection, DocumentTypeDefinition, EndEntity, Entity, EntityReference, Notation, XMLDeclaration, Comment, Whitespace
[Server, Mobile application - server, Thick client (managed application), Mobile application - client, External

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It seems that syntax assistant is wrong about this code too:

      RecordSet = InformationRegisters.UserSettings.CreateRecordSet();
      RecordSet.Filter.User       = SelectionSettings.User;

According to syntax assistant Filter.User is not a writable field.

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Dear Alexey,

Please let us know what version of EDT do you use?

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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The last one available

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Another problem:

After creating new object I have difficulties to sync with designer

Designer operation error occurred
File: C:\Users\Intel\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-59862\Alexey\xml-full-10044\Catalogs\Variantes.xml, document format error: unexpected read property. Current property: ObjectField, expected property: ChildObjects.

Is there any workaround?

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If I try to export -> restore from files I am getting the same error

Please help me with this error ASAP.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - May 31, 2018 11:18 PM
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Dear Alexey,

Also I have noticed that syntax assistant fails when you have some function in Manager module or Object module (without any & prefix) and it calls some procedure form common module with the only option "Server". Syntax assistant shows that the procedure or function is not found. But if you add "Server call" it finds it without problem, although this module might be just server side.

This is correct behavior of Syntaxt Assistant. If you do not specify that the common module is a server-side module, then there are may be issues during the client-server interaction. The manager module and the object module can be executed at the client side. If the common module is not a server-side module, such a call is impossible. An automatic check of whether the given piece of code works in runtime mode does not cover of all the various situations in which it can actually work in this mode.

Syntax assistant does not know about XMLNodeType at [WebClient]

According to syntax assistant Filter.User is not a writable field

These two are confirmed issues. Thank you for reporting them. We will fix them in a next release.

After creating new object I have difficulties to sync with designer

Could you please send us a sample configuration and steps to reproduce this behavior? Also, please let us know whether you changed EDT files manually, rather than by using EDT's user interface.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Vladimir, I have managed to solve the problem.

There is an error in EDT. If you import some project with Characteristics and this characteristic filter type is not defined Designer would generate those strings:

    <typesFilterValue xsi:type="core:UndefinedValue"/>

If you try to open this object in EDT it would not show this settings in Preferences pane. It just wont show anything.

If you create the same object from EDT and leave those fields empty in resulting mdo and xml files to pass to designer those field would be omitted. So designer will be unable to load the configuration.

To solve this I have to manually edit files generated by EDT and it started to work again. Although after my edits modification of those settings is unavailable in EDT, same as imported objects from designer.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - Jun 01, 2018 10:34 AM
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Vladimir Gurov wrote:
This is correct behavior of Syntaxt Assistant. If you do not specify that the common module is a server-side module, then there are may be issues during the client-server interaction. The manager module and the object module can be executed at the client side. If the common module is not a server-side module, such a call is impossible. An automatic check of whether the given piece of code works in runtime mode does not cover of all the various situations in which it can actually work in this mode.
Could you please provide some examples.

As far as I know, manager module and object module are only available at server side. So any call from manager module is a server side call, without client-server interaction.

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Dear Alexey,

As for the issue where you mentioned this piece of code:


<typesFilterValue xsi:type="core:UndefinedValue"/>

We reproduced this issue. Than you once more for reporting it. We will fix it soon.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Dear Alexey,

Could you please provide some examples.

Here is a sample:!HGhVyZ4b!9kkz8l1dW5yNf60IJIHW9mB--l4zEvgGTYiZwn4Re6k

In this configuration, if you click "Configuration > Check configuration" on the menu in Designer, then select "Thick client (managed application, client/server mode)", and finally click OK, the system displays an error message saying that the "CommonModule1" variable is not defined.

If you open the properties of the "CommonModule1" common module, select the "Server call" property, and then perform the same check, the system reports there are no errors.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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But why this one is considered as an error?
1. Object module could contain only server side code. Right? So there is no way some function from Object module could have been calling from client.
2. If common module is Server only there should be no problem, because any call from server should be allowed.
3. The code actually works great.
4. If I try to define server/client side code in object module I am getting an error.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - Jun 04, 2018 06:41 PM
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Dear Alexey,

Here are the answers to your questions:

1) An object module can contain not only server-side code. A sample of this is launching the application in thick client mode.

2) Using compilation directives in object modules has no sense because all procedures in such modules are compiled at the server side.

3) The fact that the given piece of code works correctly in the specified environment does not mean it will always remain correct in another environment. This is what Designer and EDT notify you about.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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You are making a mess with those definitions...

considering that 1c has interpreter (you can run code dynamically) you sentences mean:

An object module can contain not only server-side code
object modules ... are run at the server side
compiled = run

If you run Infobase locally obviously there is no server, so everything run at client, but this does not mean that you have to eliminate all directives. It only means that server and client side is the same computer.

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Dear Alexey,

If you deploy an infobase locally on a computer and run it from the same computer, 1C:Enterprise platform uses its internal software server. So, server-side code in such an infobase runs on this server.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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Vladimir, that is exactly what I am trying to clarify with you.

You are saying that if the code is inside object module, it could be only server-side. Right? So if it is server-side, than any call from server-side to server common module should not require client->server call option.

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Dear Alexey,

Now EDT validates application's code with the purpose of protecting the application user from most unexpected situations. And the EDT developers will keep improving the validation scenarios.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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Vladimir Gurov wrote:
Now EDT validates application's code with the purpose of protecting the application user from most unexpected situations. And the EDT developers will keep improving the validation scenarios.

Does this mean that you are accepting that I am right and developers will adjust validation process? I am insisting because for the first time it is possible to use EDT to write production code and I am using it with success for one week now, but there are few drawbacks which makes editing experience not so pleasant.

Another small problem: EDT does not recognize custom common attributes for the objects and mark them as unused variables.

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I think I found another EDT problem. It seems to be related to the characteristic problem I described earlier. If you copy table section of the object with characteristics data to another object, the types of copied objects could not match the original ones.

For example I had table section with 2 attributes: characteristic and value with the corresponding types of ChartOfCharacteristicTypes ans Characteristic. After copy all of the copied items were of type ChartOfCharacteristicTypes. So I had to manually delete new attributes and create them again.
The copy action was performed by drag and drop with ctrl pressed.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - Jun 08, 2018 03:15 PM
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Vladimir, could you please confirm also that it is correct:

1. I define procedure A() in Global common module with Server and Server Call and Global marks
2. I should be able to call it from object module like so: A();

Now I am getting an error:

Procedure or function 'A' is not defined [Thick client
  (managed application)]

Am I missing something or everything is correct and it is just EDT validation mistake.

Thank you in advance

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Dear Alexey,

1. I define procedure A() in Global common module with Server and Server Call and Global marks
2. I should be able to call it from object module like so: A();

Now I am getting an error:

It is a confirmed issue. Thank you for informing us about it. We plan to fix it soon.

I think I found another EDT problem. It seems to be related to the characteristic problem I described earlier. If you copy table section of the object with characteristics data to another object, the types of copied objects could not match the original ones.

For example I had table section with 2 attributes: characteristic and value with the corresponding types of ChartOfCharacteristicTypes ans Characteristic. After copy all of the copied items were of type ChartOfCharacteristicTypes. So I had to manually delete new attributes and create them again.
The copy action was performed by drag and drop with ctrl pressed

Here we need a sample configuration and steps to reproduce the issue to be sure we discuss the same behavior of the application.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Please confirm if it is a bug o no...

If I define some form event handler for example event Begin selection (as it called now in EDT)

Procedure BienesVarianteStartChoice(Item, ChoiceData, StandardProcessing)

I am getting a warning that this function is not used.

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Dear Alexey,

If I define some form event handler for example event Begin selection (as it called now in EDT)

Here we need a sample configuration to check whether it is an issue or not.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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Here we need a sample configuration to check whether it is an issue or not.
I have tried to reproduce the issue in new configuration, but in new seems to work fine. I will  inform you if I could narrow the problem.

Also I have troubles with new EDT installation. I can not manage to build the project from Git files. When I try to build th configuration I am getting

Designer operation error occurred
Designer command "config load-files --dir="xml-full-87447" --update-config-dump-info" execution was aborted due to shell disconnect. Shell input:

There is no shell input text. Do you have any idea?

Also could you please allow access for me on users.v8.1c to download betas. I have access for platform, but EDT is unavailable.

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Dear Alexey,

We publish all releases of EDT on the site. So far, EDT v. is the newest version. On, there is no newer version of EDT.

As for the issue you mentioned, could you please provide us with:

- exact steps to reproduce the issue

- 1C:Enterprise platform version

- EDT version

- EDT execution log (<workspace location>/.metadata/.log)


Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Vladimir, I am sending you pm with the configuration files generated by the last available version of EDT, These files can not be imported with the latest designer. The same way it is not possible to sync EDT with designer.  Please you help correcting errors.

Also it would be appreciated feature for designer not to crush if something is incorrect with imported files, and, for example, to ignore unrecognized options with some error or warning. Now it is just causing program crush making it impossible to work.

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Dear Alexey,

As far as we understand, in the scenario where you encounter the issue, you use EDT v.

What about the version of 1C:Enterprise platform and EDT execution log? The latter would be especially helpful for analysis.

As for EDT ignoring unrecognized options. Could you please give us an example of such an option with which EDT fails to run? Or you simply suspect that the reason of EDT's failing is existence of some unrecognized options in the files you try to import to EDT?

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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Just try to import those files in Designer!
Latest available EDT was used to generate it. Latest stable version of 1C designer was used to import files.

EDT log file has like 100 of errors every hour!

For example, it stuck right now with en error:

Save All Failed
Service wait timed out after 60,000 milliseconds

Please find attached error log.

p.s. Not so easy. You can not attach log files to this forum.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - Jul 20, 2018 06:43 PM
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Dear Alexey,

Thank you for reporting the issue which did not allow you to import the configuration to EDT.

We plan to fix the issue in EDT 1.9.0.

Meanwhile, we corrected your configuration's files to let you import it without the issue. You can download the files from here:!OO5ChQqQ!H0QXEwa3Oe-BVijDVol1d91-aFY_csD61YVb5tfvS4w!7DgyCQyZ!aQDZFISKzQPPjL3aS4oDU98qtNCSm2G-bTDjkHp33ic

The file paths to save the files in the configuration are as follows:


Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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Ok, using the files provided, I managed to build the configuration in designer. but if I try to update the Infobase from EDT it rewrites the updated objects and it fails. So I need a new version with updated version of configuration update in EDT.

Test version of 1.9.0 is already published on Could you please give me access to download it? I have access to the platform, but not to EDT.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - Jul 25, 2018 03:24 PM
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Also, please make check this EDT syntax warnings. According to EDT those procedures are never used. Warning messages appear for the event handlers defined in items properties. Please check following images:

You can reproduce the issue by opening the Infobase I have sent you in EDT. The issue could be reproduced in almost every form of the configuration.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - Jul 25, 2018 04:03 PM
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Another syntax assistant error:

it wont recognize object common attributes attributes as attributes. It thinks that it is a local variable and show warning if it is not used afterwards.

To reproduce create any object (for example document A).
1.  create common attribute, for example B
2. assign this attribute to object A
3. in object module of A write "B=something;"

Syntax assistant would recognize B as local variable.

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Another very strange behavior of EDT. This time refactoring.

If I change some attribute name EDT starts refactoring process. I don't understand why it tries to rename every occurrence of the word in whole configuration. Imagine, if I have to rename attribute Value to, for example, NewValue. EDT will present that I have to rename almost every object in configuration. Word Value is very widely used.

Besides that it tries to refactor text that has absolutely nothing to do with the names being refactored.
For example I have tried to refactor CharacteristicsPresentation attribute (new name Variante). This is what EDT suggest to refactor: (see attached)

To reproduce the issue you can use configuration I have sent you and refactor for example Docuements.IngresoDeBienes.Bienes.CaracteristicasPresentation attribute to smth else.

Please keep me informed about all the tickets that have been created based on my observations.

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Dear Alexey,

Regarding to your posts:

#33: This issue is fixed in EDT

#34: We could not reproduce the issue. Could you please prepare and send us a sample where we can reproduce it?

#35: Our developers know about the issue. They plan to fix it in future versions of EDT.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

P.S. Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it!

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The issue from #26 still exist in

Designer operation error occurred
Designer command "config load-files --dir="xml-full-8117" --update-config-dump-info" execution was aborted due to shell disconnect. Shell input:

Also, there is a new error on first run

An internal error occurred during: "Geographical schema templates migration".
null argument:

To reproduce those issues you can use configuration files I have sent you earlier.

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Vladimir Gurov wrote:
#35: Our developers know about the issue. They plan to fix it in future versions of EDT.
While it is not fixed is it possible to add a button to deselect all the changes EDT is about to make so there will be no automatic refactoring? It is reaaaally annoying to deselect 50-70 check-boxes.

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Dear Alexey,

Regarding to the issues you mentioned in your post #37:

<<Also, there is a new error on first run >>

We will try to reproduce it.

<<The issue from #26 still exist in>>
We need more context on how to reproduce it:

- 1C:Enterprise platform version
- steps to perform
- execution log from the working area

Could you please provide us with this information?

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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We need more context on how to reproduce it:

- 1C:Enterprise platform version
- steps to perform
- execution log from the working area
use the files I have sent you. Import to EDT and make "Full update" configuration. I am not sure, but maybe it could be related that I have imported in EDT 1.8.4+9, then updated EDT and made a full update with EDT 1.9.0.+1232

The problem is that files generated by EDT are not recognized correctly by designer and designer crashes. So there is no descriptive error, just what I have written here already.

If you want I can provide you git account, so you could pull configuration files directly.

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Dear Alexey,

Please perform the following steps and let us know the results:

1. Install EDT

2. Use the XML files you exported earlier.

3. Update the XML files with the fixes we sent to you earlier.

4. Import the updated XML files to EDT

Important! Do not try importing them to EDT, otherwise the issue may appear again.

5. Continue developing your project in EDT with updating the infobase.

We recommend your to create a new infobase just in case.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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Vladimir, I have tried your suggestion. It has been imported fine, but trying to update the infobase from EDT  I am getting:

Designer operation error occurred
, reason:
Error converting XDTO data:
PropertyStart: {}GeographicalScheme Form: Item Type: {}GeographicalSchema
, reason:
Error converting XDTO data:
Value: -3.96856717775136E-4 Type: {}decimal
, reason:
XDTO type mapping on V8 type is missing:
Mapping type '{}decimal' to type 'Number'

Please ask them to make a solution to update directly from the files already imported.

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Dear Alexey,

We managed to reproduce the issue you mentioned in post #42.

Our developers investigate the issue and plan to fix it soon.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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There is another problem I have found.

I have a configuration error "The form handler "OnCreateAtServer" not found

this is because EDT shows what the handler is defined but there is no procedure in form module. It seems almost reasonable, but if I try to empty the field that corresponds to this event, I can not blank it. It always stays filled. It shows empty, but on save it returns to the original setting.

As always you can reproduce it with the files I have sent you earlier.

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - Aug 13, 2018 12:59 PM
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Dear Alexey,

Thank you!

This is a known issue and our developers plan to fix it in one of the next releases of EDT.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Ok, I have another one for you

Designer operation error occurred
, reason:
Error converting XDTO data:
PropertyStart: {}GeographicalScheme   Form: Item   Type: {}GeographicalSchema
, reason:
Error converting XDTO data:
Value: -3.96856717775136E-4   Type: {}decimal
, reason:
XDTO type mapping on V8 type is missing:
Mapping type '{}decimal' to type 'Number'

Actually, it is a mess with type conversion from EDT to Designer and vise versa. Just update Infobase from EDT and then merge with new changes form the same Infobase (without actually changing a bit). You ll get a ton of differences.

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I suppose you can not delete any object!?

Designer operation error occurred

Execution log:
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.PedidoDeCliente
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Empresa
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.FechaDeEntrega
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Nomenclatura
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Cierre
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Destinatario
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Caracteristicas
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Resource.Cantidad
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.FechaDeProduccion
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Proveedor
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.UUID
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.PedidoDeCliente
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Empresa
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.FechaDeEntrega
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Nomenclatura
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Cierre
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Destinatario
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Caracteristicas
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Resource.Cantidad
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.FechaDeProduccion
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Proveedor
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.UUID
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.PedidoDeCliente
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Empresa
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.FechaDeEntrega
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Nomenclatura
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Cierre
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Destinatario
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Caracteristicas
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Resource.Cantidad
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.FechaDeProduccion
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Proveedor
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.UUID
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.PedidoDeCliente
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Empresa
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.FechaDeEntrega
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Nomenclatura
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Cierre
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Destinatario
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Caracteristicas
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Resource.Cantidad
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.FechaDeProduccion
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.Proveedor
Unknown metadata object - InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo.Dimension.UUID
File: C:\Users\Alexey\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-61038\Alexey\xml-full-83691\Catalogs\Nomenclatura\Forms\BalanceForm\Ext\Form.xml, invalid data path: List.Empresa.
File: C:\Users\Alexey\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-61038\Alexey\xml-full-83691\Catalogs\Nomenclatura\Forms\BalanceForm\Ext\Form.xml, invalid data path: List.Bodega.
File: C:\Users\Alexey\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-61038\Alexey\xml-full-83691\Catalogs\Nomenclatura\Forms\BalanceForm\Ext\Form.xml, invalid data path: List.Caracteristicas.
File: C:\Users\Alexey\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-61038\Alexey\xml-full-83691\Catalogs\Nomenclatura\Forms\BalanceForm\Ext\Form.xml, invalid data path: List.Lote.
File: C:\Users\Alexey\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-61038\Alexey\xml-full-83691\Catalogs\Nomenclatura\Forms\BalanceForm\Ext\Form.xml, invalid data path: List.CantidadBalance.
File: C:\Users\Alexey\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-61038\Alexey\xml-full-83691\Catalogs\Nomenclatura\Forms\BalanceForm\Ext\Form.xml, invalid data path: List.Reservado.
File: C:\Users\Alexey\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-61038\Alexey\xml-full-83691\Catalogs\Nomenclatura\Forms\BalanceForm\Ext\Form.xml, invalid data path: List.Disponible.

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I have managed to get designer work again with the problem #47. It seems like almost all the errors were actually warnings and only last ones were no go errors.
If the list query of some form has incorrect query and this object was updated synchronization will fail. It is very unclear the reason because there is no signs of where the problem were originated. And also it seems to me that error in Query should not limit synchronization.

Also, please consider this type of errors to present in a better way (I have no idea which attribute it belongs to):

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Dear Alexey,

As for the issue you mentioned in post #46. It is the same issue as the issue you mentioned in post #42. We expect to have it fixed in one of the next versions of EDT.

As for your posts #47 and #48. It would be great to get more detailed steps to reproduce the issue. Also, the workspace execution log (<workspace>/.metadata/.log) would be helpful to analyze the situation.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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To reproduce #47 I think it is sufficient to delete InformationRegister.PlanDeProduccionViejo object from the configuration I have sent you. (this will generate all the warnings)


File: C:\Users\Alexey\AppData\Local\Temp\1cedt\ssh-61038\Alexey\xml-full-83691\Catalogs\Nomenclatura\Forms\BalanceForm\Ext\Form.xml, invalid data path: List.Empresa.

To reproduce the error you should follow these steps:
1. Create Document A with 2 attributes Attr1 and Attr2
2. Create list form
3. Use custom query for dynamic list
4. Use the simliest query:
Sel ect Attr1, Attr 2
Fr om Document.A
5. Update Configuration
6. Delete Attr2 (do not modify Query for list form, so it has an error)
7. try to update the configuration again

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As for #48

EDT shows error if you select "Composite data type" and 2 different data types of "Characteristic.Something". At the same time platform is OK with it. EDT allows you to select "Characteristic.Any", but if you try to update, Designer will throw an arrow that it does not know what type "Characteristic" is. So this is definitely a bug.

p.s. this attribute was form attribute

Please consider to change the error message to actually address the problem.

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Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.

Another bug:

If you try to edit template in Data composition schema the editor sometimes deletes the text entered. I am unable to create a simple template, as soon as i save the template the text is gone.

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Dear Alexey,

As for:

Post #47 & #50: Our developers could not reproduce the issue.  Could you please send us the workspace execution log (<workspace>/.metadata/.log)? It can contain information that might be helpful.

Post #48 & #51: Our developers could not reproduce the issue. Could you please send us detailed steps to reproduce it with expected and actual results?
1. ...
2. ...
Expected result: ...
Actual result: ...

Also, the workspace execution log is extremely desired in any case.

Post #52: Our developers could not reproduce the issue. It would be great to get the detailed steps to reproduce the issue + workspace execution log.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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