List of dates between two dates

Common questions about 1C:Query language, Query builder tool and Data composition schema

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Anyone who know how to in query or in data compsition schema obtain list of dates between two dates (in day periodicity)???

After it, to get last slice from periodik information register to each date in obtained datelist (in query and data composition schema).???

Edited: Murat Yazlıyev - Apr 18, 2013 04:38 PM
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Timofey Bugaevsky


You can supplement dates range with all dates between start and end date using the DCS report settings. These settings are available for group fields of Date type.

If you need it to get dates for query, you will need to keep this data in your infobase. For example create an information register Calendar and keep information about each day for each year when your company operates. In addition you can keep holidays information there for salary calculation purposes.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


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