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I have two catalogs Items and ItemTypes. An Item can have many ItemTypes and an ItemType can be assigned to many Items. Thus, I added a TabularSection in Item including an attribute ItemType which is of type CatalogRef.ItemTypes. Creating an Item I can assign several ItemTypes in the table to the current Item that I created before.

Now, I want to select an Item within a document and, afterwards, select one of its ItemTypes that I assigned to that Item. However, instead of displaying only ItemTypes that are actually assigned to the selected Item, all ItemTypes created are shown when I click on "Show all". What do I need to do so that only ItemTypes are displayed that are connected to the currently selected Item.

I need something like the owner functionality, but realizing a many to many relationship. An Item can have many ItemTypes and an ItemType can be assigned to many Items.


1. Creating ItemTypes: Type1, Type2, and Type3
2. Creating ItemA and assigning ItemTypes Type1 and Type2 to it.
3. Creating ItemB and assigning ItemTypes Type2 and Type3 to it.
4. Creating the document. Selecting ItemB. Then I want to select one of its ItemTypes which are Type2 or Type3, but clicking on "Show all" all ItemTypes (Type1, Type2, and Type3) are shown and selectable.


Edited: Saman Bazrafshan - Aug 27, 2015 01:31 PM
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Hi Saman,

1. To be able to answer that I need more information about the Document's nature and structure. How the Document, Item and ItemTypes are connected? What is the structure of the Document? If you select Item to fill out the Document why do you need to select ItemType?

2. Could you, please, explain me the use case you are trying to implement here? What exactly does a user do and see here? Would be great if you could give me a step-by-step description of this scenario. Like:
- User clicks "Create New" in the Document's list
- A new Document form is opened
- Then what?

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Ok, I will try to explain my use case in more detail. I start in the Designer with creating the
Catalogs and the Document:

Step 1: Create a catalog named ItemTypes
->Attributes: none (attributes are not needed right now)

Step 2: Create a catalog named Items
-> Attributes:

  • Unit (this is of type String)
-> Tabular sections: Prices (name of the Tabular section) with the following attributes:
  • ItemType (the Type of this is CatalogRef.ItemTypes)
  • Price (the type of this is Number)

Step 3: Create a document named Quote
-> Attributes:
  • TotalPrice (this is of type Number)
-> Tabular sections: Items (name of the Tabular section) with the following attributes:
  • Item (the type of this is CatalogRef.Items)
  • ItemType (the type of this is CatalogRef.ItemTypes)
  • Price (the type is a Number)
-> Forms: DocumentForm
  • TotalPrice (this is of type Number)
  • Items (the tabular section):
  • - Item (the type of this is Object.Items.Item)
  • - ItemType (the type of this is Object.ItemTypes.ItemType)
  • - Price (the type is a Number)

That is what I create in the Designer. Then, I switch to the Enterprise mode
to debug and create data. So I first create several ItemTypes just giving them a Description/Name.

Step 1: Create ItemTypes:
-> Description: Type1, Type2, and Type3

Afterwards, I create two Items with multiple rows and for each row I select an
ItemType (out of the ItemTypes created in step 1).

Step 2: Create Items:
-> ItemA
  • Unit: Each
  • Tabular section Row 1:
  • ItemType: Type1
  • Price: 3.99
  • Tabular section Row 2:
  • ItemType: Type2
  • Price: 8.99

-> ItemB <--- Type1 is NOT assigned to this Item ---
  • Unit: Each
  • Tabular section Row 1:
  • ItemType: Type2
  • Price: 10.99
  • Tabular section Row 2:
  • ItemType: Type3
  • Price: 12.99

Now I have two Items with each two ItemTypes assigned to it the tabular section of the
Item. Finally, I want to create a Quote document.

Step 3: Create Document:
-> Add a row to the Tabular section for Items:
  • Select Item: ItemB
  • Select ItemType: ItemType3 <--- PROBLEM HERE ---
  • Add Price: 12.99
-> TotalPrice is calculated (based on Prices of Items selected in the
Tabular section above)

My Problem appears when I want to select an ItemType after I already selected an
Item. Clicking of "Show all" for the list of ItemTypes displays all ItemTypes
created. That is, Type1, Type2, and Type3. But when I select ItemB I do not want
Type1 to be displayed, because I did not assign Type3 to ItemB in Step 2.

Sorry for this long post...

Edited: Saman Bazrafshan - Aug 28, 2015 08:40 AM
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Concerning the specific task (filtering the drop-down list basing on the selection made in another field). What you are looking for is called Choice Parameter Links (Developer Guide, 5.6.14) and Choice Parameters (5.6.15). Please, take a look at this topics and try to apply these properties to your case.

That said, I am not sure if your current solution is good enough. Making many-to-many relation with Catalog tabular part might be not the best idea. But it's really hard for me to say, because I don't understand what the ItemType is. What does it refer to in real life (in physical world)? Can you give me a few examples of Items and correspondent ItemTypes?

Edited: Konstantin Rupasov - Aug 28, 2015 06:24 PM
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What you are looking for is called Choice Parameter Links (Developer Guide, 5.6.14) and Choice Parameters (5.6.15).
I read this topic and know these parameters. However, I was not able to set it up as desired. The problem is that specifying Item as the Owner of ItemType allows to assign just one ItemType to Item, but I need several (e.g., a tabular section). I could not get it running like this. The other way round is worse - specifying ItemType as Owner of Item forces me to select/assign an Item when creating an ItemType.

Can you give me a few examples of Items and correspondent ItemTypes?
Sorry, I am trying to keep this generic as we are thinking of this for various catalogs. An example is to have
a catalog PriceCategories and a catalog Products with an attribute Price and a tabular section PriceCategories.
When selecting a Product let us say in a SalesInvoice document we want to switch between PriceCategories giving
customers different Prices based on their status. For instance, new customers start in the category 1 which does give any special offers and regular customers are of category 2 getting 5% off of the normal price. But these special offers are available to certain products only. For example, notebooks may have price category 1 and 2 whereas monitors do not provide special offers to customers of category 2, that is, only category 1 is assigned to monitors.

If you do not get the idea never mind. I am not sure if we are not off the track. Probably we need a more complex structure using charts of characteristics to realize a many to many relation, but we have to learn more about this register type and how to use it correctly.

Many thanks!

Edited: Saman Bazrafshan - Sep 01, 2015 01:00 PM
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I read this topic and know these parameters. However, I was not able to set it up as desired

Could you, please, send me a DT file where I can see the problem by myself? I also need you to provide me with step-by-step instruction on what I have to do to see the issue as a user (NOT in the Designer).

specifying Item as the Owner of ItemType

As far as I understand the your task, Item cannot be the Owner of ItemType.

I am trying to keep this generic

I believe, that your real problem is a wrong data structure. There is no way we get the right one thinking in general terms. We need to consider the real-life objects and specific relations between them. Otherwise we never get the proper solution. I suggest we consider one specific example first. Then we will try to extend the solution to other cases.

An example is to have a catalog PriceCategories and a catalog Products with an attribute Price and a tabular section PriceCategories.

This data structure looks wrong. What exactly do you store in the PriceCategories tabular section? If you have one price for one Product why you need a list of PriceCategories INSIDE this single Product? What does it mean?

I need you to give me an example of one specific Product with the tabular section filled out.

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Hello Saman,

I am not sure if I understand your use cases correctly. But if you need just a discount for certain type of customers, you can have products as owner of the catalog PriceCategory.A customer (as regular customer) has a category PriceCategory (with discount 5%), you should create an attribut PriceCategory in the catalog Customers  with a type CatalogsRef.PriceCategory.
You can make then a Query with some JOIN, and only Products with the PriceCategory (5% discount) will be available at creating of document (Customer is as attribut in the document).

It is just an idea, but please let me know if I understood the task correctly.

Edited: Lioudmila Nemtseva - Sep 02, 2015 03:09 AM
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I guess even JOIN is not necessary. You would need only query parameters and then Selection.Next().
I have to say I am not so good in writing queries.

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Could you, please, send me a DT file where I can see the problem by myself?
I really appreciate your help, but my application is just a mess right now. I am doing a lot of try and error to get familiar with the system. May be I will come back to your offer when I find the time to clean everything up a bit and did not found a solution.

I suggest we consider one specific example first.
You are right. I also realized that after my first posts, however, the Product and PriceCategory example (see my last post) is actually a real life issue I am working on.

you can have products as owner of the catalog PriceCategory
That is what I thought first. But when Product is the Owner of PriceCategory I am forced to select a single Product everytime I create a new PriceCategory. What I want is to create a list of PriceCategories first - without any dependencies. For instance: PriceCat1, PriceCat2, PriceCat3 ...

The other way round is also not working but closer. Making PriceCategory the Owner of Product, I am able to create the list of wanted PriceCategories first. Afterwards, when creating a Product I have to select one single PriceCategory, but I want to select several, e.g., PriceCat1 and PriceCat2. That is, depending on the Customer who orders the Product I am able to give him either the offer of PriceCat1 or PriceCat2. We do not want it to be selected based on any Customer attribute automatically rather than deciding ourselves if we grant a special offer and also which one. Therefore, I think a query will not do for us.

If I could make PriceCategory the Owner of Product but such that I can assign multiple PriceCategories when creating a Product (e.g., like a tabular section) I could use the parameters Konstantin mentioned:
Choice Parameter Links (Developer Guide, 5.6.14) and Choice Parameters (5.6.15)

Right now I do not use the Owner function. Instead, I created a tabular section in the Products catalog which holds an attribute PriceCategory which is a reference to the catalog PriceCategories. The only downside is that in a document (SalesInvoice) when I select a Product and want to choose the PriceCategory, all PriceCategories are shown instead of those I put in the tabular section of the selected Product only. If I can fix that my problem is solved. Nonetheless, I think I need a different structure, probably using charts of characteristics to realize a many to many relationship.


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I really think that your current issue is completely wrong data structure, so it's crucial for us to focus on this single topic. I really need you to answer this question: "What exactly do you store in the PriceCategories tabular section? If you have one price for one Product why you need a list of PriceCategories INSIDE this single Product? What does it mean? ".

Could you please give me one specific example of one particular product with all its attributes and tabular section lines?

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I have another idea. You can create an Information Register with Dimensions Product (Type CatalogRef.Products) and PriceCategory (Type CatalogRef.PriceCategory). And set the dimension Product to Master and Main Filter. Then a query should work.

But I still do not understand. Do you need to see a dropdown list in the tabular section of the sales invoice or it is enough if you have a customer in your Sales Invoice who has ONLY ONE type of discount, let's say 2% (in this case it can be okay if you get a price from your information register)?

Edited: Lioudmila Nemtseva - Sep 02, 2015 04:14 PM
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Sorry for wrong advice! It can not work this way.
I am interested in this solution because maybe one of my customers will have a very similar wish.

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The advice was not soooo wrong.

I created an information register PriceCategories with periodicity "Whithin a second".
In every Product I created a PriceCategory with different discounts (in Enterprise mode).

In Common Modules I wrote GeneralFunctions and there

Function GetCategory(Product) Export
   Category = InformationRegisters.PriceCategories;
   ProductFilter = New Structure("Product");
   ProductFilter.Product = Product;
   CategorySelection = Category.Select(,, ProductFilter);
   While CategorySelection.Next() Do
      Message ( CategorySelection.PriceCat);
   Return CategorySelection.Product;

It was just a test, but If you select different products in sales invoice you can see messages, which category has this product. With these results you can do something.

Please find attached a *.dt file.

I hope it helps

Edited: Lioudmila Nemtseva - Sep 02, 2015 05:55 PM
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A Product may have more than one price. That is why I use a tabular section.

PriceCategories = Category1, Category2, Category3

Products = Monitor, Notebook
Products -> Tabular Section:
Monitor: Category 1 = 3.99 and Category2 = 8.99
Notebook: Category2 = 5.99 and Category3 = 10.50

Monitor => Sel ect Category2 (from the list showing only Category1 and Category2)
Notebook => Select Category3 (fr om the list showing only Category2 and Category3)

Prices are determined by selecting the PriceCategories automatically and totals are calculated afterwards.


I think what I want to do is really standard functionality of 1C and I do not want to code
something to keep the application as clean as possible. Using information register may help,
however, I am not sure how to build the right data structure for my issue.

I will try to post an example configuration by next week if I do not have a solution.

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Hi again,

so now I prepared a small example configuration.
It includes the submenu Inventory where PriceCategories and Products are located.
I have already created three different PriceCategories numbered 1 to 3 and two
Products numbered 1 and 2. Product1 encompasses PriceCategory1 and PriceCategory2
in its tabular section and Product2 PriceCategory2 and PriceCategory3.

In the second submenu Sales Quotes can be created. This is also where my problem
occurs. So do the following:

1. Go to Quotes in the submenu Sales and click on the Create button. In the form
you will see a tabular section which is supposed to hold the different products
assigned to this Quote.

2.Click on the Add button to add a product to the list. In the Product column select
Product1 and go to the PriceCategory column (by clicking enter, for instance).

3. In the PriceCategory column I want only the PriceCategories of Product1 to be
displayed. But if you click on the "Show all" button every PriceCategory is displayed
and can be selected that have been created in the PriceCategories catalog (in the
submenu Inventory).

How can I fix that by using the right data structure instead of coding it myself (which
I guess is not necessary as it seems to be a standard functionality)?

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Thank you Saman. Now the task is perfectly clear. We need some more time to come up with solution. Hopefully it will be ready tomorrow.

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Sorry for the delay, Saman. Here is the decision we suggest (please find the DT file for our solution attached to the message).

1. First of all, let's discuss the data structure. In your solution, Price is an attribute of the tabular section of the Products catalog. It means that you can have the only price value - current. You can change it, but you cannot trace the changes. Therefore, you don't know what the price was at any point in past time. Real-world systems usually take the pricing process more seriously and store the complete history of all price changes.

So, we suggest you store the prices in the Information Register with dimensions Product (CatalogRef.Products) and PriceCategory (CatalogRef.PriceCategories) and attribute Price (Number). The register has to periodical. Periodicity depends on the anticipated price change frequency. In my example, I set it to "Within a day". It means that you cannot change the same price more than once a day.

To get the current price you are going to need SliceLast virtual table, so you'd better select "Enable totals for retrieving slice last" option (tab "Other" of the IR properties form.

2. Product categories list is completely dependent on the Product selected (this is why your question has arisen in the first place). Therefore, I cannot see why we divide the selection procedure into two independent actions - user needs to select the Product in one column and then select the Category in another column. This approach makes the connection between Products and PriceCategories unobvious. To avoid confusing a user, I suggest we use one choice form showing two list dependency explicitly.

So, we redefined the ChoiceForm for Products catalog. This form shows two dynamic lists: Products and PriceCategories. PriceCategories dynamic list has a custom query with two parameters - &Product (current product selected in the first list) and &Period (the date of the SalesInvoice document we are creating now).

To open this form, we use ProductsProductStartChoice event handler, which sets StandardProcessing to False to block any Platform default actions and then opens the form. We pass Object.Date to the form as a parameter and then pass is to the query in OnCreateAtServer event of the choice form.

3. Note that the prices shown in the right list of the choice form are dependent on the document date. You can change the date of the document, and you will see different prices in the list.

Please, take a look at the solution. Let me know, if you have any further questions or comments.

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Thank you for the detailed answer including the example DT.
I will check your solution closely in the next couple of days and will give you my feedback.

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Sorry for the delay in my answer Konstantin.

So I looked at your solution and generally it would help to solve our problem. However,
I am not sure about how user friendly the approach is. I have two concerns with it:

1. Creating products but assigning their prices somewhere else is really inconvenient.
I know the solution you proposed from the developer guide but do not like it much because
I have to switch between different user interfaces (forms) to poplate all necessary
product data. That is most probably unexpected and confusing to users as they have to save
a product that is uncomplete temporarily. Also assigning different prices to one product
forces the user to assign each price subsequently, that is, open the corresponding form,
assign a price, save and close it and then repeat these steps for each following price.

I would rather suggest to put the pricing in the product form as in my example and just
write the data into an information register on post to build the history of a products prices.
That would not bother a user as it is actually invisible for him and do not cause any extra
work steps.

2. The form combining the product and the price category selection in the sales invoice is a
possible solution to my actual question and I may use it as well. However, it somehow breaks
with the general workflow of the other selection fields which may also be a bit confusing to
users. In addition, in your example I cannot use the Select button to confirm and submit the
selected product and price category. Instead, I have to use the enter key. I am not sure if this
is not a bug actually, however, it is unexpected once more.

Nonetheless, your solution would solve my problem and I appreciate your effort. I will try to
combine your ideas with mine. Most important in my opinion is the pricing within the product
creation to avoid context switching.

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