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Mobile Generate developer key error
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Points:: 0
Joined:: Jan 29, 2013

I'm getting an error in the "Generate developer key"

{CommonModule.FileSystemService.Module(409)}: Create a developer key is not executed. Return code: 1
Raise NStr("ru = 'Ключ разработчик не создан. Код возврата:'; en = 'Create a developer key is not executed. Return code:'") + " " + ReturnCode;

Active user
Points:: 0
Joined:: Jan 29, 2013

I have resolved the above error
Now I get an error in "Build application":

[info] Android ARM
[info] Building started on : 08.01.2018 16:34:24
[info] OS Version : Windows x86, version 6.2 (Build 9200)
[info] 1C:Enterprise Version : Windows x86
[info] Builder Version :
[info] Mobile platform version :
[info] Graphic assets : Iconki
[info] Sound assets :
[info] Path to Android SDK : D:\soft\android-sdk_r24.4.1-windows\android-sdk-windows
[info] Android API level : 24
[info] Path to Apache Ant : D:\soft\apache-ant-1.10.1-bin\apache-ant-1.10.1
[info] Path to Java : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144
[info] Path to cache directory : D:\temp\test
[info] Unpacking mobile platform
[info] Configurations in the mobile application: 1
[info] Unpacking mobile configuration: 1, AntikacıMobil
[ERR ] {CommonModule.MobileApplicationBuilding.Module(2547)}: The configuration is not found in the storage: AntikacıMobil
Raise NStr("en='The configuration is not found in the storage:';ru='Конфигурация отсутствует в хранилище:'") + " " + String(ConfigurationRef);

Points:: 0
Joined:: Dec 4, 2017

Dear Burak Uyanık,

Please make sure that the configuration you included in the build contains actual data on the 1C:Enterprise Mobile Platform configuration you are going to build.

To check whether you configured everything properly, please refer to the "Installing and setting up Mobile application builder" and "Building the application" sections of the "1c mobile.pdf" book. You can get the book by downloading and installing "1C:Enterprise 8 Mobile platform Mobile platforms and Application builder + 1C mobile".

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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