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accounting model for international financial accounting
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Joined:: Feb 22, 2019

Hello all
I need an accounting model for international financial accounting in English for download into ERP ( Now I have a model in Russian.

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Joined:: Mar 10, 2017

Nail, Hello!

There are number of 1C configurations for international accounting standards (IFRS) on the market. For example there is IFRS module in 1C ERP solution, there is 1C Accounting CORP IFRS configuration, also there is BIT IFRS module.
IFRS accounting models vary very much as there is no unified chart of accounts for IFRS. If you have any specific questions you can search on internet IFRS resources or send your questions to We will be happy to help on this topic.

Kind regards,

Points:: 0
Joined:: Dec 4, 2017

Dear Nail,

You can export the accounting model for international financial accounting (in English) from 1C:ERP 2 demo.

To do this, in the 1C:ERP 2 demo infobase:

1. Click Master data and settings > Master data and sections > International financial accounting.
2. Click Export accounting model.
3. Select the location and name of the resulting export file and click Next.

Then, you can import this model from the file to your infobase.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

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