Hi All!
We want to access to our 1C (client authentication) using our microsoft 365 accounts.
What we done:
1) On azure side we have created an application, gave authority (mail, openID, profile, user read - and also "Granted Access"), entered redirect url (https://<<server name>>/<<publication name>>/authform.html) etc.. (there is no problem on this side)
2) Changed the "default.vrd" file (we had that file before, becouse we were using the web-client). Entered the datas from azure app (client ID, tenant ID, secret ID, redirect URL etc..). The *.vdr data is below:
"name": "azure_oidc",
"title": "OIDC 1C (Azure)",
"discovery": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/****************/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration",
"authenticationClaimName": "upn",
"clientconfig": {
"authority": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/********************/",
"client_id": "***********************************",
"client_secret": "**************************",
"redirect_uri": "https://<<server name>>/<<publication>>/authform.html",
"scope": "openid",
"response_type": "id_token",
"filterProtocolClaims": false,
"loadUserInfo": false,
"resource": "*****************************"
When trying to connect to 1C (web client) it asks, which authentication mathod we want to use, we choose the "azure", after entering microsoft365 account datas (user name and password), the authentication on azure side is success (we can see it in logs on azure side), but we couldn't login to 1C, we get the page (adding the screen of page in attached file) and doesn't go any further, turns on the same page.
We fount some manuals in internet, did the same. But I thing, that in maybe some additional settings on 1C:Enterprise side.
The version of platform is:
If someone had done client authentication via azure AD, can you please share information and help us
Thank you
1C:Enterprise platform integration capabilities and techniques