How to parse HTML page to import a table daily?

1C:Enterprise platform integration capabilities and techniques

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I need to load a page from a site, parse it and get a data from a table.
Currently I am using a field of HTMLDocument type on a form and made a simplified html page:

<table id="dataTable">

Here are the questions:
How can I get the table content parsed as a table?
How can I make it work in a scheduled task daily?

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Here is the script for your form:

Procedure Parse(Command)
   ParsingRequired = True;

Procedure HTMLDocumentDocumentComplete(Item)
   If Items.HTMLDocument.Document.readyState = "complete" And ParsingRequired Then
      For Each tr In Items.HTMLDocument.Document.all["dataTable"].firstChild.children Do
         For Each td In tr.children Do
            UserMessage = New UserMessage;
            UserMessage.Text = td.innerText;
      ParsingRequired = False;

Edited: Samuel Harris - Nov 20, 2012 06:30 PM
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Thanks a lot, Samuel!
And what about how to execute this operation daily?

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I think, for this "Scheduled Jobs" can help.
there is Service subsystem "Scheduled Jobs" at "1C:Subsystems Library"
there is a chapter at documentation

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Thanks, Ivan. But if a scheduled job can open a form with HTML document field and execute a command?

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For thin client I would use method of ManagedForm AttachIdleHandler(<ProcedureName>, <Interval>, <Single>)

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Thus I will have to run an application to emulate a scheduled job... If there is a way to use DOM at server in scheduled job?

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There is object HTTPConnection at server. For using it, you need to know name of getting file.

inputFile= TempFilesDir()+"input.txt";
НТТР = New HTTPConnection("",,,,); 
НТТР.Get("/path/file.html", inputFile); 
textFromFile = New TextDocument;
html = textFromFile.GetText();

at variable "html" you will have html script, which you can put to HTMLDocument field

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And maybe XMLReader could help to parse this text using DOM...

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Or HTMLDocumentShell, method GetHTMLDocument...

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