Connect to Google API to read GoogleSheet

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Dear all,

I want to read data from GoogleSheet on 1C. I try to search on internet but they always guide C#, and I do not know how to do it on 1C, can you help me?

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Hello Ninh Giang Thi!

This is easy enough to do.

Suppose we want to read this GoogleSheet:­qdE

We go to Google and read the API description:

There are all the methods that we may need to work with GoogleSheets.

You will also need an API_KEY.

After that, write in 1C the following code:

Procedure ReadFromGoogleSheetAtServer()

   tempFile = GetTempFileName();
   Connection = New HTTPConnection("", , , , , ,New OpenSSLSecureConnection());
   ID_GoogleSheet = "1HeZl6PwpnBAqP4KmUvhMmIDqcx6UEmGwFmpt4lC7qdE";
   Connection.Get("/v4/spreadsheets/" + ID_GoogleSheet + "/values/A1:C7?key=[YOUR_API_KEY]", tempFile);
   ReaderJSON = New JSONReader;
   data = ReadJSON(ReaderJSON);
   For Each Column In data.values Do
      For Each Row In Column Do
         // In "Row" you will get your value...

Procedure ReadFromGoogleSheet(Command)

This way you can easily read data from GoogleSheets.

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Thank you, Aleksandr Biryukov

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Did you manage to read the data?

If you still have any questions, then ask :-)

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Thank you, I can read data from GoogleSheet now,
But I do not know how to read each child sheet if in sheet have many child sheet?

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To read different sheets from GoogleSheet, you need to slightly modify the parameters of the HTTP request.

Here is an example of a basic query:

Connection.Get("/v4/spreadsheets/" + ID_GoogleSheet + "/values/A1:C7?key=[YOUR_API_KEY]", tempFile);

Here we read the data from the first sheet from the range A1:C7.

We just need to add to this parameter the name of the sheet from which we want to read data.

For example - 'Sheet 2'!A1:C7

In 1C, it will look like this:

Connection.Get("/v4/spreadsheets/" + ID_GoogleSheet + "/values/'Sheet 2'!A1:C7?key=[YOUR_API_KEY]", tempFile);

That is, changing the parameter 'Sheet 2'! A1: C7  you can access different sheets of GoogleSheet.

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