ExternalDataSource - Cannot call SP

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I'm having some problems calling a SQL Server stored procedure using ExternalDataSource.

I added the stored procedure in the functions tab by providing the connection string.

The call must return a table and it runs because I tested it în SQL Server.

When I call IT, I get this error:
Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.myProcedure", or the name is ambiguous.

Can somebody help me?

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Dear Sebastian,

Make sure that in External data source function wizard, you define the table (with its fields) the procedure returns. Set the table kind to "Expression".

Also, make sure that in External data source table wizard, you have your stored procedure mapped correctly.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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The procedure returns an user defined table type, so I have manually configured this type in external data source, because it is not visible when using the wizard.

What sould I write in the expression of this table?

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Can you please send me an example? Or I can send you an empty database containing the tables and a cf to show me how can I do this.

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Dear Sebastian,

Please send us (to int@1c.com) your infobase's configuration (.cf file) and the external database.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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