SMS receive in 1C

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Still now, I can not read SMS in Mobile device. Any one can give me a code example for receive one or all SMS message?

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Procedure ConnectReceiveSMS(Command)

 MessageRecipient = New NotifyDescription("ReceivingMessage", ThisForm);
 Message("Processor for receiving sms - connected!");


Procedure ReceivingMessage(NewMessage, ExtraOptions) Export

SenderSMS = NewMessage.From;
CountAttachmentsNewSMS = NewMessage.Attachments.Count();
DateNewSMS  = NewMessage.DateReceived;
TextNewSMS = NewMessage.Text;
Message("A new message has come! From" + NewMessage.From);


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Ninh Giang Thi,

first, ensure that you application has a permission to read SMS messages. Open the properties of the root configuration object, find "Required mobile application permissions", and add the "Telephony" permission.

Here's an example:

Var Handler;

Procedure OnOpen(Cancel)
   Handler = New NotifyDescription("OnIncomingSMS", ThisForm);   

Procedure OnClose(Exit)

Procedure OnIncomingSMSSrv(_Text, _Sender)
   Text = _Text;
   Sender = _Sender;

Procedure OnIncomingSMS(SMSMessage, AdditionalParameter) Export 
   OnIncomingSMSSrv(SMSMessage.Text, SMSMessage.Sender);

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Thanks for all your helps.I am sorry for longtime to read this topic!

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