The 1C:Enterprise installer copies several text files that list the changes implemented in this platform version and instructions for migration to this platform version to the hard disk.

These files are located in the 1C:Enterprise installation directory, in the \docs\en subdirectory. If you do not change the default installation path, they are located in C:\Program Files\1cv8\<version number>\docs\en. For example, the path for version is as follows: C:\Program Files\1cv8\\docs\en.

The file V8Update.htm contains the list of changes and migration instructions.

The directory C:\Program Files\1cv8\<version number>\licenses\ сontains the 1C:Enterprise license agreement 1CEnterprise_en.htm.

The directory C:\Program Files\1cv8\<version number>\licenses\3rd_party contains the licenses for third-party components.

Next page: 1C:Enterprise system

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