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1C Company released a new 1C:Subsystems Library 2.2.4 with additional subsystems

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April 24, 2016

1C:Subsystems Library 2.2.4 includes new subsystems to design and deploy on premises and SaaS applications based on 1C:Enterprise.

1C:Subsystems Library (1C:SL) provides a suite of universal functional subsystems, predefined sections for user documentation, and a technology for application development on 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

Moreover, 1C:SL provides additional methods for application development.

The service (SaaS) mode of 1C:Enterprise applications is the infobase operation mode when users connect to the infobase over the Internet using web browsers and the infobase is stored on a server that belongs to a service provider company. This company guarantees data security and confidentiality, and performs configuration and common data updates.

In this case users operate in a single infobase but their data is separated, so that users of a service subscriber do not have access to data of another service subscriber. This is implemented using common attributes as data separators.

The list of new subsystems in 1C:Subsystems Library 2.2.4

Version 2.2 of the 1C:Subsystems Library tool is used to develop configurations compatible with 1C:Enterprise 8.3.4 or later. When running such a configuration on 1C:Enterprise 8.3.4, set the Compatibility mode property to Do not use. You can also set the modality use mode to Do not use. The interface compatibility mode can be set to Version 8.2, Version 8.2. Enable Taxi, or Taxi. Enable Version 8.2.

Legal notice

1C LLC is the owner of 1C:Subsystems Library, it is a free universal functionality subystems library, is not intended for accounting purposes, is distributed "as is", and can be used as a basis for development of your own applications on 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. Using 1C:Subsystems Library implies that developers build it into their applications. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and 1C Company provides support for this application at 1C:Developer Network forum. In order to use 1C:Subsystems Library or applications that are based of it, it is required to own or acquire valid licenses of 1C:Enterprise platform. To study 1C:Subsystems Library, you can run it on 1C:Enterprise (training version), keeping in mind the limitations of the training version.

Read more details and download 1C:Subsystems Library 2.2.4.

We will be happy to hear feedback and support requests from you on 1C:Subsystems Library support forum.

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