
The 1C:Standard Subsystems Library (SSL) is a set of multipurpose subsystems designed to provide basic functionality in applications built on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

The functionality offered by these subsystems enables user management, data synchronization, handling of contact information and application settings, and much more. Depending on what is required, developers can add to their applications just some or all library subsystems.

The 1C:Standard Subsystems Library eliminates the need to develop standard functionality from the ground up. It saves time and makes it possible for developers to focus on implementing the key features in their applications. 

The Concept

The library is not an applied solution. Its role is to provide developers with a set of subsystems they can use in configurations they develop.


With the SSL, one can quickly develop a configuration with basic functionality or add ready-to-use function blocks to an existing configuration. By using the SSL when developing applications in the 1C:Enterprise platform, developers also ensure a high level of standardization of their configurations. As a result, it takes less time to study and integrate applications due to their unification via the set of applied standard subsystems.

Subsystems included in the SSL cover such areas as: 

    • User and access rights management.
    • Administration and maintenance tools (installation of updates, infobase backups, optional reports and data processors, and similar).
    • Service (object change history, notes and reminders, print, full-text search, files, digital signature, and similar).
    • Technology tools and application interfaces (common procedures and functions, infobase version update, SaaS, and similar).
    • Integration with other applications and systems (data exchange, email management, text messaging, report distribution, and similar).
    • Applied subsystems and user workstations (surveys, business processes and tasks, business interactions, report options, and similar).

Currently, the SSL includes more than 70 subsystems. 

The library source code is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0). Check the following link for the full license text: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode

This license permits the use, distribution, rework, editing, and further development of the library for any purposes, including commercial ones, provided that the authorship of the library is indicated in your software. 

Download the latest version of the 1C:Standard Subsystems Library and the documentation


Feel free to ask questions on 1C:Standard Subsystems Library support forum

Next page: User and Access Rights Management

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