Web Services Demo Application is designed to illustrate 1C:Enterprise 8 Web Services mechanism.
To complete the training course, use either a full version of 1C:Enterprise 8 platform or the free 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (training version).
Download 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (training version)
This application incorporates basic warehouse accounting elements but it's not intended to be used for accounting purposes. It is exclusively a set of examples of 1C:Enterprise 8 Web Services mechanism usage.
This demo application illustrates the usage of the following mechanisms:
- Defining web services
- Defining data schemas
- Getting web service descriptions
- Creating dynamic web service proxies
- Creating static web service proxies based on WS-reference configuration object
- Calling web service operations
- Managing data transfer objects (XDTO)
You can download the application by clicking here
Next page: Data Exchange demo