
    • Core procedures and functions to handle strings (and other types of data), event logs, scheduled tasks, file systems, long-running operations, and similar. 
    • Standard roles (Administration, Full Rights, Thin Client Launch, etc.). 
    • Secure data storage, automatic tracking of metadata object renaming, plus other basic services for developers. 
    • Basic tools for application administrators (event logs, window title settings, etc.).


Barcode Generation

    • API for generating barcode images under EAN8, EAN13, EAN128, Code39, Code93, Code128, Code16k, PDF417, ITF14, RSS14, EAN13AddOn2, EAN13AddOn5, QR, S1DataBarExpandedStacked and Data Matrix standards.

Attribute Locks

    • API to ensure that required object attributes essential for respective objects (key attributes) contain data.
    • Edit lock for key attributes in saved objects. 
    • Check for permission to change key attributes by authorized users.  


National Language Support

    • Support for multilingual data. 
    • API to run applications in several languages.  


Infobase Version Update

    • Initial filling of infobase with data and further update of data on configuration version change.
    • Displaying of information regarding the changes in the new version of the configuration.
    • API to run update handlers in exclusive, online, and deferred modes. 


Attachable Commands

    • API to output dynamically attachable commands to application objects, lists, and logs. 
    • Output of commands for creating additional reports and data processors based on or due to added data (when used with subsystem Additional Reports and Data Processors). 
    • Output of commands in logs, lists, and documents in the context of the types of selected objects and values in their attributes. 
    • API for integration with configuration extensions.  


Object Prefixes

    • Automatic assignment of object prefixes per application settings. 
    • Prefixing of objects in the context of infobases and items in the list of organizations (if included with the configuration).  


SaaS Mode

    • Basic functionality for configurations to operate in the data separation mode, which is necessary to run applications under the service model together with 1C:Cloud Technology Library. 
    • Auxiliary subsystems that have to be included in a configuration along with the respective main subsystem. For example, if subsystem File Management is to be deployed, this subsystem must be used in SaaS as well.  

Monitoring Center

    • Collects depersonalized statistics on the use of configurations and sends this data to a quality control center. 


Next page: Master Data and Classifiers

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