Enhancements for Enterprise Cloud Environments

1C Developer team

03.05.2024 6 min

Enhancements for Enterprise Cloud Environments

1C:Enterprise platform solutions are widely used in large-scale enterprise deployments, including cloud environments. These environments have specific requirements for the software running in them, particularly related to monitoring and auditing application performance.

Version 8.3.25 of the platform introduces several improvements to simplify managing 1C:Enterprise.

Technological Log Enhancements

Technological log files are frequently used for investigating application-related incidents and analyzing parallel application operation in high-load systems. Version 8.3.25 introduces significant enhancements to the technological log, simplifying its analysis, including the utilization of third-party tools.

In previous versions, technological log files were organized into individual folders, one for each process, with each folder containing text files named in the format yymmddhh (year-month-day-hour). A new log file was created every hour.

Version 8.3.25 introduces the option to configure flat log file placement via the logcfg.xml configuration file. This involves storing all log files in a single root folder, eliminating the need for individual subdirectories.

For flat log file placement, the event timestamp property in the technological log is expanded to the full date/time format, recorded in XML format:

yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)?

Event example:

2023-01-11T10:09:42.647004-7224999,CONN,2,process=1cv8,OSThread=8992,ClientID=2,Txt=Outgoing connection closed

In earlier versions, log rotation, the process of stopping logging to the current file and creating a new one, occurred at hourly intervals. Version 8.3.25 introduces two enhanced log rotation modes, providing greater flexibility and control over log file management:

  • Time-based rotation: A new log file is created at each specified time interval, which must be a multiple of an hour.

  • Size-based rotation: A new log file is created when the size of the current log file reaches a predefined threshold

To further optimize disk space utilization, version 8.3.25 introduces the option to compress outdated log files.

For more efficient log file parsing and integration with various tools and frameworks, version 8.3.25 implements the ability to record technological log events in JSON format.

Changes in Log File Configuration and Deletion Algorithm

Version 8.3.25 introduces a refined log file removal algorithm that encompasses all placement and rotation configurations, ensuring comprehensive log file cleanup.

The enhanced algorithm supports the removal of log files from all placement options:

  • Flat placement

  • Subdirectory placement

  • The algorithm effectively removes log files generated under all rotation modes:

  • Time-based rotation: Log files created at regular time intervals.

  • Size-based rotation: Log files created when the current log file reaches a specified size limit.

Technological Log Event Levels

To facilitate extended analysis, each event in the technological log is now supplemented with a property indicating the event's importance level.

The following set of event severity levels is supported:

  • TRACE: The most detailed level of events, providing granular tracing information for in-depth analysis.

  • DEBUG: The level for recording events containing information useful for investigating system issues and identifying potential root causes.

  • INFO: The level for informational events that provide general system status updates and operational details.

  • WARNING: The level for events representing system operation warnings, indicating potential issues or impending problems.

  • ERROR: The level for events logged when errors occur, providing crucial information for identifying and resolving system malfunctions.

The event importance level is recorded directly after the event name as a property named "level".

The event importance level is also incorporated into the event property filter of the technological log configuration.

Direct Interaction with the Event Log via ibcmd

The ibcmd utility now offers direct interaction with the event log, enabling users to seamlessly extract and analyze log data. This feature streamlines log management and troubleshooting tasks, providing valuable insights into system operation and potential issues. Users can now extract event log items in real time, either directly to the console (when ibcmd is launched from the command line) or to a specified file in XML or JSON format.  This functionality eliminates the need to connect to an information base, providing a convenient and efficient method for capturing and analyzing log data. ibcmd now includes a dedicated mode for monitoring new event log items. In this mode, newly generated events are continuously appended to the specified file or console, enabling real-time monitoring of system activity and potential issues.

HTTP-Based Performance Metrics for Enhanced Monitoring and Analysis

The introduction of HTTP-based performance metrics in 1C:Enterprise empowers users to seamlessly integrate performance data into external monitoring tools, enabling comprehensive performance analysis and proactive issue identification. This enhancement addresses a common need arising during application implementation and operation, where performance evaluation often involves utilizing external tools for in-depth analysis.

Previously, performance metrics for 1C:Enterprise applications were partially accessible through the administration console and the "Functions for Technical Specialist \ Standard \ Server Management" menu.

Now, the cluster administration server (ras) and the standalone server (ibsrv) provide the capability to expose cluster and infobase session performance metrics on demand via HTTP. This enables external tools to poll 1C server clusters for extended performance analysis.

The provided functionality allows for filtering the retrieved metrics based on their affiliation with the cluster, infobase, session, and other relevant criteria.

The metrics are provided in OpenMetrics format, a widely supported standard adopted by the popular open-source monitoring system Prometheus.

The provision of performance metrics is currently supported only in the client-server mode.

The new functionality of exposing performance metrics via HTTP represents a significant advancement in the performance monitoring capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise platform. By empowering users to leverage external tools for comprehensive performance analysis and incident investigation, this enhancement contributes to a more efficient, well-managed, and cost-effective 1C:Enterprise environment, particularly in corporate cloud deployments and diverse IT landscapes. We are confident that this new feature will prove invaluable in addressing the demands of in-depth performance analysis and incident investigation, catering to both corporate cloud deployments and diverse IT landscapes.

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