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Could you attach your CF-file?

or any other example I could make changes to...

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I'm talking about adding the "Amount" values ​​of the income column and the values ​​of the expense column separately.

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Hello Kadoryz Kolapi,

of course it is possible to implement.

You need to add two new columns to your table and change the code so that these columns are populated with the correct values.

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can you give some more details

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Could you attach your CF-file?

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or any other example I could make changes to...

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Procedure OnOpen(Cancel)
 Items.List.CurrentData.Gelir = List.EvrakGenelToplamı.Sum();
 Items.List.CurrentData.Gider = List.EvrakGenelToplamı.Sum();

When I write the above code, I get an "object is not type" error. if you can write a code example i would like to implement it.

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Could you send a dump of your code? It will be easier for me to help you...

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My code screen is blank, i created them without writing any code. Actually, I want to collect the "Gider(red)" places in the "Toplam" column and print them in a field at the top. I would appreciate it if you could send a sample code about this.

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Hi Kadoryz,

sorry for misunderstanding :-)

Do you want to calculate the totals for the "Toplam" column?

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yes, just collect separately by income and expense :)

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Hi Kadoryz,

please look at this example.

So, we have data processor with a tabular part (scr 1). The tabular part has an attribute with the Number type (screen 2).

Then we create a form for our data processor and place the tabular part on the form (scr 3). Also, for the tabular part, enable the "Footer" checkbox (scr 4).

Then we do the following steps (screenshots 5 and 6).

After these settings, the totals will be calculated automatically (scr. 7)

Download scr_1.png (23.85 KB)
Download scr_2.png (22.66 KB)
Download scr_4.png (39.01 KB)
Download scr_5.png (49.47 KB)
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Not all screenshots fit in one post...

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