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How to display a value of some arbitrary variable on print form?

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You just need to declare a variable in a section of a printing form and then in a module to assign any value to this variable before section print out

Kind regards,

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Hi Peter,

are you familiar with the technology of creating reports in 1C?

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Alex, do you mean by "section of a printing form" a Template Print form? If this is what you mean, then I tried and it didn't work. The value to such variable I assigned in Manager Module. If you mean something else - explain more clearly, please. Or give an example.

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Figured out. Here's how I solved this problem:

PeriodStruct = New Structure;
PeriodStruct.Insert( "Date1", Object.Date1 );  
PeriodStruct.Insert( "Date2", Object.Date2 );

HeaderArea.Parameters.Fill( PeriodStruct );

And in the header of my print form I use [Date1] and [Date2] to refer to these parameters.

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Or give an example.

Hi Peter,

look at pls the screenshots. I think everything will be clear to you there :)

Download scr_2.png (48.38 KB)
Download scr_3.png (66.96 KB)
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This method works fine for displaying something in header or footer area, but it didn't work in table part of my report. I am using the latest version of the platform.

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It works well both in header, footer and in table part. In table part you just need to do this in cycle of table part

Kind regards,

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This method works fine for displaying something in header or footer area, but it didn't work in table part of my report. I am using the latest version of the platform.

Hey Peter,

this is very strange because it is a universal method and it should work everywhere.

Let's try to figure it out and find the bug. Could you bring either a piece of the source code, or your report in its entirety?

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Btw, there is another way to output values to printed forms:

Download pic_1.png (33.24 KB)
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Here's how it looks on my screen. AmountDoc is what I want to display on my report, DtDoc and CrDoc are resources of my accumulation register.

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Most likely, you have not set (or incorrectly set) the "AmountDoc" parameter. Could you please send me your report to - I'll take a look and point out where the error is.

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What you see on the screenshot is the only reference on parameter AmountDoc in my code. How I could "not set (or incorrectly set) the 'AmountDoc' parameter"? You see the whole line of code on the screenshot. What is wrong in that line of code? SelectionDetailRecords is what you get when apply Select() to Query result.

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If you want me to help you, I need to see your code in full, not a screenshot.

This method of setting values in printed forms has been working for a hundred years and I wonder what you did there that it doesn't work for you :-)

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Most probably you didn't set up properly variable AmountDoc in a spreadsheet document. Did you assign Filltype field as Parameter for variable AmountDoc in your Spreadsheet document ?

Kind regards,

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