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Which of these installation files I need to install PostgreSQL on Linux:

Download pic17.png (55.03 KB)
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Which Linux do you plan to use?

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Ubuntu 22

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Unfortunately, 1C does not support the current PostgreSQL repository, so the best option is to use a special build for 1C from the creators of PostgreSQL.

Run the following commands:

1. Download the script to add a third-party repository from the PostgreSQL developers:

$ curl -o

2. Let's execute the script:

# sh

3. Install PostgreSQL (this build is based on open PostgreSQL with patches from 1C)

# apt install -y postgrespro-1c-15

4. Let's start the server

# systemctl start postgrespro-1c-15

5. Check the status of the service:

$ systemctl status postgrespro-1c-15

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If you publish to web-server 1C web app connected to empty PostgreSQL database, what the browser window should look like?

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How to install patch provided with PostgreSQL installation package?

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If you publish to web-server 1C web app connected to empty PostgreSQL database, what the browser window should look like?

Sorry, but I didn't understand your question... :(

Let's do this: do you want to use 1C together with PostgreSQL on Linux? Right?

I can prepare educational material on this topic, because I am just preparing a plan for such materials for the new year.

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I already installed PostgreSQL from installation package provided by 1Ci. 1C Server connected to it and works fine (locally). But there is also a patch in that installation package content of which I posted here and I don't understand how to install that patch.

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If you have already installed PostgreSQL, obtained from 1Ci, then you don't need to install additional patches.

They're already in this distribution.

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This patch is from installation package provided by 1Ci. Do I need just to copy the content of this folder to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15.2-1.1C\?

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