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Hello everyone,
I have a problem with addressing a group task. When one of the steps of a flowchart has "group" attribute checked, business process creates so many tasks as it is written in Addressing information register.
All would be fine, but every user can see all the tasks generated for the group. I think he or she shoud be able to see only one task. Am I right? I cannot make it this way. Could you help me?
In attachment there is small .dt file where you can see it. User "Administrator" is without password. Try to create and start process "Production" and there will be two tasks generated (two users in Management department according to "Addressing" register). Why users PB and KL (you can also log without passwords) can see both tasks, not only one? What is wrong?
I hope that I described it clearly.
Please see attachment.
Thank you in advance for all your answers.

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Yeah. It's how group tasks work - system creates as many tasks as can be find by adressing params.
You can change adressing in OnCreateTask event.

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Ok, I agree that "system creates as many tasks as can be find by adressing params". But addressing param is User (as a main addressing attribute for object Task) and in Configuration BusinessProcessPoint has addressing: Department and "Group" attribute checked. In this situation bussiness process point creates tasks for all users from Department but with User attribute NOT filled. This attribute is empty after creating all the tasks. I'll give you example below:

Addressing information register looks like that:
Department     User
Management     PB
Management     KL

Object Task possesses attribute "User" (the same type as in information register). Bussiness process creates two tasks according to information register but does not fill User attribute in it. The result is that PB and KL can execute both two tasks (but they should only see: PB only PB task, KL only KL task).
I just want to address group task directly to every single user. If there are 10 users, they shouldn't see all 10 tasks and be able to execute them (this way one user can execute tasks instead of co-workers). Everyone should be able to see only his or her own task. That's how I understand addressing. Is it possible to do?
I have to write also that CurrentPerformer is defined in Task object and in session parameters. All details for interested persons are located in .dt file attached in my previous post.

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Fill Link to addresing property:

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Thank you Valerii! I haven't noticed that adressing attribute "User" had not addressing dimension filled in configuration. I filled it and now when bussiness process creates group tasks, the "User" attribute is filled automatically and correctly. Thanks a lot!
But still users can see and execute all group tasks (not only own tasks but also co-workers' tasks).
My question is... should task addressing work this way that users see only tasks addressed to them? Or maybe it is necessery to use row level access restrictions set for roles in access rights so that users could see tasks addressed to them?
What is the best way to make the situation that user can see/execute only his or her tasks?

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List of tasks have two forms. Second one TasksByExecutive - you need this one. Usually developer creates dashboard for this list form. And standart list of all tasks used for administrators or business process moderators

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Yes, it works. Thank you very much.

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