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I have a catalog with two attributes: Area and AverageCost. And an information register with Area dimension and AverageCost resource. I need to display in catalog item form when the Area field is changed the AverateCost to be filled automatically.

I did the following:
- Created a common module AverageCostEvaluation
- Wrote a function in this module:

Function GetAverageCost(ContractDate, Area) Export
Filter = New Structure("Area", Area);
ResourceValues = InformationRegisters.AverageCostByAreas.SliceLast(ContractDate, Filter);
If ResourceValues.Count() = 1 Then
Return ResourceValues.AverageCost;
Return 0;
In the catalog form module I wrote the following procedure:

Procedure AreaOnChange(Item)
ContractDate = CurrentDate();
AreaField = String(Object.Area);
Object.AverageCost = AverageCostEvaluation.GetAverageCost(ContractDate, AreaField);

It produces no errors, but AverageCost field is not filled with value when Area is changed.

Thanks in advance.

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Joined: Sep 16, 2011
Company: individual

Why do you use this line?
AreaField = String(Object.Area);
It makes types not match, use
AreaField = Object.Area;

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