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Dear 1C support team,

I got several requests from foreign customers about possibility to use in 1C number of the week as a standard period of time (together with presented month-, year- period etc). I see it's a very common thing in Europe.

Could you please let me know: do you have any plans to develop such possibility in 1C: Enterprise platform soon?

To solve this issue at the moment, I'm trying to replace 1C: platform feature with my own programming code based on WeekOfYear() function, but I also have trouble - this function returns not correct number of the week because of some differences of standards for EU and USA (and probably RUSSIA).

So, my second question: do you have some plans to implement additional parameter of this function to define what standard has to be used for calculation of week number (location based algorithms)?

Thank you in advance for any usefull information.

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Rating: 32
Joined: Oct 27, 2011
Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.

I could add that it is very common in agriculture all other the world, and it differs a lot how to define first week. I know 3 algorithms.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Please explain all usecases and we will send your request to the Platform developers.

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Rating: 32
Joined: Oct 27, 2011
Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.

It is widely used to present any kind of reports: production rate, sales, budgets and forecasts etc. It should be a standard period for information registers. But please note that there are differences how to calculate first week of the year.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


OK. So what are your suggestions? Where the first week should be defined for information registers?

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Rating: 32
Joined: Oct 27, 2011
Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.

In latin America first week starts first monday after 1 of January. For this year it is from 2 to 8 of January. But I know that there are other methods to calculate it.
You should check ISO, they have some standard.
It is also important to have possibility to calculate summaries for weeks and months for the same register. Almost every indicator have two presentation options: fiscal - monthly, production cycle - weekly, or periodically (4 weeks). One year have 13 periods. It is very common in agriculture. Nobody uses months.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Your request was sent to developers.

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Just came
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Joined: Oct 19, 2011

Dear bugt,

Did you get any answer from developers concerning this issue?
Thank you for short update.

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Just came
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Joined: Mar 5, 2012
Company: 1C Company

Hi, Alexey,

All of the platform changes are published in the release notes. We can't provide additional information.

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