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Good morning!

I have a problem with collaboration of several users which use a single Customer Order documents list. The idea is that one person is adding an initial document, setting the general attributes such as Company, Counterparty, Agreement and a list of items and a state New. When it appears in the list of second user, this user must to reserve items in the stock and change state to Reserved. Next user should see the document with Reserved state and plan the delivery. When everything is set and document is saved with Processed state the client's representative will receive an e-mail with planned delivery date.

The problem is that when the document is saved the list of documents is updated for the one user who created it. But not for the others.

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Hi, Silvia!
You can use AutoRefresh and AutoRefreshPeriod properties of a form list field. Also maybe you should think on redesigning your application to use business processes instead, thus users will have lists with their tasks to fill documents only.

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It's better to use "Business processes".
When first user create order, 1c start business process and second user recieve task. When he complete task, third user recieve task.

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Thank you, guys!
And will the list of tasks be updated automatically when a new task is created for the user?

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Any Dynamic list have propery autoupdate, but default it false.

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Company: TLG Integration

I see. So any way I need to use autoupdate and to make it more intuitive I should think on using a business process. Thanks.

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