Problem converting Gmail api base64 email body

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I have made an integration with Gmail and need to convert the Base64 encoded body of the email into the original text.

I am using the following code:

       base64Msg = "<Long Base65 String>";
       binaryData = Base64Value(base64Msg);
emailContents = GetStringFromBinaryData(bdata);

The problem appears on the 2nd line. the return type of the function Base64Value() returns Undefined.
Is it because the string is too big?
How can i oveercome this problem?

The base64 string i put below. It is converted sucesfully if i copy-paste it in through the online tool:

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Hey Constantinos,

could you attach your base64 string as a separate file?

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Hi Aleksandr

please find the attached base64 file

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Hi Constantinos,

it's very simple :-)

Your file has a Base64url encoding, but not Base64. You can check it for example here:

The difference between these encodings is described here:

In short, the base64url uses the "-" symbol instead of the "+" symbol, and the "_" symbol instead of the "/" symbol.

Accordingly, to convert a Base64url to Base64, we just need to change these characters back.

The code below does this conversion.

   base64Msg = stringSource;
   base64Msg = StrReplace(base64Msg,"-","+");
   base64Msg = StrReplace(base64Msg,"_","/");

   binaryData = Base64Value(base64Msg);
   emailContents = GetStringFromBinaryData(binaryData);   

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