Is there any example with GraphQL?

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I want to make an API connection with an online store. That site uses GraphQL instead of RestAPI. Is there any example with 1C?

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Unfortunately, the GraphQL functionality is not yet supported by the 1C platform.

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Well, connecting to an online store that uses GraphQL involves understanding the schema, choosing a GraphQL client library, constructing and executing queries, handling responses, and potentially implementing mutations. With the right tools and approach, you can effectively integrate with the online store's GraphQL API.

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Hello Eyup,

I'm sorry, I probably misled you.

There is no direct GraphQL support in 1C, but the developer can work with services that support this protocol using regular HTTP(S) anyway.

Please see the example below:

textQuery = "{ ""query"": ""{ loggedInAccount { id name slug }}"" }";
   httpConnection = New HTTPConnection("", 443, ,,,60, New OpenSSLSecureConnection);
   httpRequest = New HTTPRequest;
   httpRequest.SetBodyFromString(textQuery, TextEncoding.UTF8);
   httpRequest.Headers.Insert("Content-Type",   "application/json");
   httpRequest.Headers.Insert("Api-Key",      api_key);
   httpResponse = httpConnection.Post(httpRequest);
   If httpResponse.StatusCode = 200 Then
      JSONReader = New JSONReader;
       structureResponse = ReadJSON(JSONReader, False);

The result of this request is shown in the screenshot.

Also keep in mind that GraphQL queries need to be converted to JSON so that they can be transmitted over HTTP.

This service will help with this, for example:

take a look pls at the second screenshot

Download Pic_1.png (47.75 KB)
Download Pic_2.png (50.16 KB)
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I asked this question for wayfair api connection. Today I found the way;

Function Authentication() 
   Credentials = GetCredentials.WayFairCredentials();
   apiKey = Credentials.apiKey;
   apiSecret = Credentials.apiSecret;
   Data = New Structure;
   JSONWriter = New JSONWriter;   
   WriteJSON(JSONWriter, Data);
   result = JSONWriter.Close();
   //token = GetToken();
   Connection = New HTTPConnection("",,,,,,New OpenSSLSecureConnection());
   request = New HTTPRequest();
   request.Headers.Insert("Content-type", "application/json");
   //  request.GetBodyAsString()
   HTTPAnswer = Connection.Post(request);
   res = HTTPAnswer.GetBodyAsString();
   jsonReader = New JSONReader;
   Dat = New Structure;
   Dat = ReadJSON(jsonReader);
   return Dat;

Function GetOrders() Export
   auth_data = Authentication();
   access_token = auth_data.access_token;
   Auth = "Bearer " + access_token ;
   Connection = New HTTPConnection("",,,,,,New OpenSSLSecureConnection());
   req ="";
   graphqlll = New Structure;   
   graphqlll.Insert("query","{getDropshipPurchaseOrders(limit:100,hasResponse:false,sortOrder:DESC){poNumber poDate estimatedShipDate customerName customerAddress1 customerAddress2 customerCity customerState customerPostalCode orderType shippingInfo{shipSpeed carrierCode} packingSlipUrl warehouse{id name} products{partNumber quantity price event{startDate endDate}} }}");
   graphql = WriteJSONValue(graphqlll);
   request = New HTTPRequest(req);
   request.Headers.Insert("Content-type", "application/json");
   HTTPAnswer = Connection.Post(request);
   res = HTTPAnswer.GetBodyAsString();

   jsonReader = New JSONReader;
   Dat = New Structure;
   Dat = ReadJSON(jsonReader);
   return Dat;


This examples get orders from wayfair. Thank you Aleksandr Biryukov and Gulshan Negi.

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