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Is there a way to change the title of Home page?

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Well, if you are looking to change title of your website then you can change it by defining HTML code within title tag.
To do this, first access the HTML code, then access title tag under head and then change it and save it then check the result, I am sure you will get the desire result.

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Since we are in '1C:Enterprise - Business application platform' section of this forum, I assume we are not talking about regular web applications, we are talking about applications developed on 1C:Enterprise platform. The Home page I asked the question about is the first page you see after launching 1C:Enterprise in Application mode.

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Here's the solution, somewhat partial. If you make Home page work area with one column and place on that column only one form and in that form 'Show title' property is enabled and 'Auto Title' is disabled, then on Home page you'll see only the title of that form. The only drawback is that I still can see 'Home page' on the tab for this page.

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