All questions related to 1C:Enterprise licenses

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if we create an apps using 1c:Enterprise ! can we sell them without paying any amount to the company? can u guys clarify by giving me clear answer

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If you develop a desktop application, then in order to sell it to another client, you will need to purchase licenses for the 1C:Enterprise platform for activation from the client, since the 1C application will not work without the 1C platform.

If you create a mobile application, then it does not require the installation of a platform, but for the commercial distribution of 1C mobile applications, you need to conclude an agreement with 1C company and pay royalties of 10% of the application's turnover.

If you distribute a mobile application for free (for example, as an additional feature to an accounting system), then you do not need to pay anything to 1C.

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Just came
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Joined: Jan 16, 2022
Company: EMU

thank you so much for your clear answer!!

how cost that licence of 1C:Enterprise platform for activation from the client? how much money do we need to pay to buy it?

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