1C:Enterprise platform integration capabilities and techniques

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Hello ,
I am developing an integration windows service that takes some data from 1C and transfer them to another ERP system.Nearly almost everything is working correctly.But sometimes when i try to connect with below code

   V82.COMConnectorClass v82Connection = null;
   object ret = null;
 string connectString = string.Format("Srvr={0};Ref={1};Usr=\"{2}\";Pwd=\"{3}\";", "Srvr", "Ref", "Usr", "Pwd");
       v82Connection = new V82.COMConnectorClass();
       ret = v82Connection.Connect(connectString);//it waits at this line .. until i saw that in log file...and restart this method..      
       ret = null;

it waits to eastablish a connection.and if i open log txt (this file is created from windows service that i wrote in c#) i can see that it waits.. when i restart the service and so connection is open without delay..
i wonder if there is a timeout mechanism/property that if it does not connect   30 seconds
v82Connection.Connect  method will throw an exception.. so the service will try after  minutes again...
like microsoft sqlconnection timeout..

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Hello, Evgin İnanır, I'm glad to welcome you on 1C:Developer Network forums.

I'm afraid that there is no parameter for manipulation with timeout of connection.

This looks like a misconfigured of overloaded 1C:Enterprise server. If Thin client is connected normally on that computer where your application is executed?

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Thanks ...
My application is executed from different machine where a com connecter is installed  and a client is also installed to connect 1c server.
This connection issue occures nearly one or two times a day..

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Try to increase the period of running your application as the server might be busy with some task. And do not start a new instance until the previous is finished operating.

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There is somework arounds in  my mind.. but firstly i want to be sure if there is(or not) a timeout property for com connections
Thanks ...

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Timofey Bugaevsky


I'm afraid the timeout can not be changed.

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