1C:Enterprise platform integration capabilities and techniques

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I need to import and then export Line Items of one document. Format of the file is .onlv. The code look like that:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<onlv xmlns="http://www.oenorm.at/schema/A2063/2009-06-01" 
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.oenorm.at/schema/A2063/2009-06-01 onlv.xsd" 
    <programmsystem>ORCA AVA</programmsystem>
  <grafiktabelle />
    <leistungsteil nr="1">
    <aufsummen />
      <auflvsumme />
      <aufhgsummen />
      <aufogsummen />
      <auflgsummen />
      <aufulgsummen />

Which way would be the best? I think there is a better possibility than just StringFuctions.

Thank you for every advice.

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You can use XMLReader and XMLWriter objects. You can find an explanation for these objects in a Syntax Assistant.

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Thank you for your tip, Grumegargler! I can find a detailed information also in "Practical developer's guide".
Can it be in Common Modules some function DataUploadDownload

WriteNamespaceMapping(<Prefix>, <NamespaceURI>)




xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.oenorm.at/schema/A2063/2009-06-01 onlv.xsd" ?

And what should I do with:

onlv xmlns="http://www.oenorm.at/schema/A2063/2009-06-01" and

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Company: 1A Software e.U

I also found in a post of Xing Wang an idea how one file can be saved:


Can I replace in my case

"temp.doc" by "temp.onlv"?

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Company: 1A Software e.U

And additional question:

is it necessary to use XDTOFactory?

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In general you might generate XML using TextDocument as a simple text file.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


XDTOFactory is designed to replace 1C:Script in import/export code with setting up XDTO objects in Designer mode or any other XSD-editor. If you have lots of complicated objects having many attributes, tabular sections and relations between each other, the 1C:Script will become too complicated to design and support.

P.S.: note, that you can import XSD in Designer, so try to get it from the software which you integrate with and then go to Common -> XDTO packages, right click on it and choose Import XML Schema.

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