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I want to read a xml file. User click one button and choose a xml file. I want to getting that file and read it? How can I do? I created my XDTO object.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Hello, Mehmet Tuğrul SARIÇİÇEK.

Here is an example on how to read and write XML using XDTO:

Procedure WriteAtServer()
   TempFileName = GetTempFileName("xml");
   // Defining object types.
   ProductType = XDTOFactory.Type("http://www.sample-package.org", "Product");
   ProductPriceType = XDTOFactory.Type("http://www.sample-package.org", "ProductPrice");
   ProductPricesType = XDTOFactory.Type("http://www.sample-package.org", "ProductPrices");
   ProductPricesXDTO = XDTOFactory.Create(ProductPricesType);
   // Filling XDTO objects with data.
   For Each Row In ProductPrices Do
      ProductPriceXDTO = XDTOFactory.Create(ProductPriceType);
      ProductXDTO = XDTOFactory.Create(ProductType);
      Product = Row.Product.GetObject();
      ProductXDTO.Code = Product.Code;
      ProductXDTO.Description = Product.Description;
      ProductPriceXDTO.Product = ProductXDTO;
      ProductPriceXDTO.Price = Row.Price;
   // Creating XML.
   XMLWriter = New XMLWriter;

   // Displaying XML.
   TextDocument = New TextDocument;
   XML = TextDocument.GetText();


Procedure ReadAtServer()
   TempFileName = GetTempFileName("xml");
   // Saving XML.
   TextDocument = New TextDocument;
   // Reading XML.
   XMLReader = New XMLReader;
   // Filling the list.
   ProductPricesType = XDTOFactory.Type("http://www.sample-package.org", "ProductPrices");
   ProductPricesXDTO = XDTOFactory.ReadXML(XMLReader, ProductPricesType);
   For Each ProductPriceXDTO In ProductPricesXDTO.List Do
      ProductRef = Catalogs.Products.FindByCode(ProductPriceXDTO.Product.Code);
      If Not ValueIsFilled(ProductRef) Then
         ProductObject = Catalogs.Products.CreateItem();
         ProductObject.Code = ProductPriceXDTO.Product.Code;
         ProductObject.Description = ProductPriceXDTO.Product.Description;
         ProductRef = ProductObject.Ref;
      ProductPrice = ProductPrices.Add();
      ProductPrice.Product = ProductRef;
      ProductPrice.Price = ProductPriceXDTO.Price;

The sample application is attached to this message.

Download xdto.png (20.46 KB)
Download 1Cv8.cf (11.69 KB)
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Timofey Bugaevsky


And here is an example that uses XMLSerializer object:

Procedure WriteAtServer()
   TempFileName = GetTempFileName("xml");
   // Creating XML.
   XMLWriter = New XMLWriter;
   // To get XDTO of another object you can use XDTO serializer:
   ProductPricesValue = FormAttributeToValue("ProductPrices");
   Serializer = New XDTOSerializer(XDTOFactory);
   ProductPricesXDTO = Serializer.WriteXDTO(ProductPricesValue);
   XDTOFactory.WriteXML(XMLWriter, ProductPricesXDTO);

   // Displaying XML.
   TextDocument = New TextDocument;
   XML = TextDocument.GetText();


Procedure ReadAtServer()
   TempFileName = GetTempFileName("xml");
   // Saving XML.
   TextDocument = New TextDocument;
   // Reading XML.
   XMLReader = New XMLReader;
   // Filling the list.
   // You can use XDTO serializer as well to read values.
   Serializer = New XDTOSerializer(XDTOFactory);
   ProductPricesValue = Serializer.ReadXML(XMLReader);
   ValueToFormAttribute(ProductPricesValue, "ProductPrices");

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Timofey Bugaevsky,

thank you so much sir

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