Value Tree on multiple levels

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I have this function:

Function StockDisplay (This)
   ConvertedValueTree = FormAttributeToValue("StocksTree");
   Frunze = DisplayStockFunctionsV2.GetAllArticlesWithStockFromSpecifiedLocation(This.Code);
   ArticoleStockGeneral = DisplayStockFunctionsV2.SearchForAllArticleStock(This, Frunze); //ValueTable   
   n = ArticoleStockGeneral.Count();
   For i=0 To n-1 Do
      NewRow = ConvertedValueTree.Rows.Add();
      NewRow.Name = ArticoleStockGeneral[i].Article.Description;
      NewRow.TotalStock = ArticoleStockGeneral[i].Stock;
      ListaLocatii = DisplayStockFunctionsV2.SearchForAllArticleLocations(This, ArticoleStockGeneral[i].Article);
      m =  ListaLocatii.Count();
      For j=0 To m-1 Do
         NewRow_1 = NewRow.Locations.Rows.Add();
         NewRow_1.Name = ListaLocatii[j].Value.Description; 
         DetaliiStock = DisplayStockFunctionsV2.SearchForArticleDetailedStock(ListaLocatii[j].Value.Ref, ArticoleStockGeneral[i].Article);
         NewRow_1.Stock = DetaliiStock.Total("Qty");
         p = DetaliiStock.Count();
         For k=0 To p-1 DO
            NewRow_2 = NewRow_1.StockInputs.Rows.Add();
            NewRow_2.Date = DetaliiStock[k].Date;
            NewRow_2.Quantity = DetaliiStock[k].Qty;

   ValueToFormAttribute(ConvertedValueTree, "StocksTree");

Atached image contains value tree definition on form.

But NewRow_1.Name and all columns from Locations which is Value Tree type are not recognized and i receive an error when I try to add rows on Locations.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Hello, Marius Gidu!

Unfortunately, your structure is not supported. I can suggest you to change the way you keep your data. For this, use the single value tree and add subrows. I created an example for you:

   StocksTreeValue = FormAttributeToValue("StocksTree");
   NewStock = StocksTreeValue.Rows.Add();
   NewStock.Name = NStr("en = 'Stock'");
   NewStock.TotalStock = 100;
   NewLocation = NewStock.Rows.Add();
   NewLocation.Name = NStr("en = 'Location'");
   NewLocation.Stock = 18;
   NewLocation.IsLocation = True;
   NewStockInput = NewLocation.Rows.Add();
   NewStockInput.Date = CurrentSessionDate();
   NewStockInput.Quantity = 4;
   NewStockInput.IsStockInput = True;
   ValueToFormAttribute(StocksTreeValue, "StocksTree");

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Joined: Sep 1, 2014
Company: Smart ID Dynamics

I realized that in this manner wouldn`t work so I just resolved same as in your example.

Thanks a lot for your answer.

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