Optional filter in query

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Hi! I need to create a query which will have optional parameters。 When a company is specified it should filter by a company。 When it is not specified it should not filter by a company。

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You can make so:

   stringIF = "";
   //If ValueIsFilled(pOrganisation) Then // for common case
   If Not pOrganisation.IsEmpty() Then
      stringIF = "Where Doc1.Organisation = &Organisation";
   Query = New Query;
   Query.Text = "
   |   Doc1.Ref
   |   Document.Document1 AS Doc1
   |" + stringIF;
   Query.SetParameter("Organisation", pOrganisation);
   QueryResult = Query.Execute();

Edited: ivan avdonin - Dec 25, 2012 12:21 PM
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Thanks, Ivan, but is it possible to do this using a Query builder? I like using this wizard。。。。。。

Edited: Yi Gang - Dec 25, 2012 11:29 AM
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Yes, it is possible

   QueryBuilder = New QueryBuilder;
   QueryBuilder.Text =
   |   PurchaseOrder.Ref
   |   Document.PurchaseOrder AS PurchaseOrder
   |   PurchaseOrder.Company.*}";
   If ValueIsFilled(Company) Then
      Element = QueryBuilder.Filter.Add("Company");
      Element.Value = Company;
      Element.Use = True;

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Also you may do it like this (sometimes you can't use QueryBuilder):

Query = New Query;
Query.Text = "
| Doc1.Ref
| Document.Document1 AS Doc1
|  CASE WHEN &OrganisationIsFilled 
|   THEN Doc1.Organisation = &Organisation 

Query.SetParameter("Organisation", pOrganisation);
Query.SetParameter("OrganisationIsFilled ", ValueIsFilled(pOrganisation));

QueryResult = Query.Execute();

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