Expand values as columns

Common questions about 1C:Query language, Query builder tool and Data composition schema

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I would like to create a summary table where column values should represent country of origin, rows - items and values - price. I really do not want to create this large amount of columns for each country. Is it possible to expand one column values to separate columns?

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Can you please illustrate your message?

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Where do you want to create this?

If this is a report, you should use Data composition scheme, cre ate table in settings section and select rows and column. It is automatically expandable.

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Yes, I'm using the Data composition schema. Could you show an example please?

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Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.

Try to use a wizard in the settings section. The icon looks like a wand with stars.

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Simon, here is example

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