Methods StrReplace, Left, Right in query

Common questions about 1C:Query language, Query builder tool and Data composition schema

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Hi is there way to use StrReplace, Left, Right methods in Query?

I have records (type string) as:
+90 (534) 079 34 01
(534) 079-34-01
(534) 079-3401
0534 079 34 01

So after executing query it's yet to get "5340793401".

I should use it in query caurse the number of records are very much (It will took more seconds if I will iterate the query results and convert those records by using usual mothods in script). So I need to use those methods in query.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


String operators are very limited in 1C:Query language.
It is recommended to add an additional field that should be recalculated when you save an object if the phone field was changed.

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Joined: Apr 5, 2012
Company: 1TÇ Şirketi - Merv Bilgi İşlem Otomasyonu Yazılım Ltd. Şti.

I see. thanks

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