This forum is intended for cases when a problem can not be solved due to restrictions of the platform: a bug or lack of functionality.

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Company: 1TÇ Şirketi - Merv Bilgi İşlem Otomasyonu Yazılım Ltd. Şti.

Hi dear 1C support team,
We have a request to be added in 1C:Platform.

In Turkey we have such situation. For some kind of companies (agricultural companies, education companies, companies that have foreign investors etc.) government says that accounting period can be started from begin of each month of a year.
For example: begin of accounting period is 01.07.2018. For this company
BegOfYear will be: 01.07.2018
EndOfYear will be: 30.06.2019
1th quarter will be: 01.07.2018 - 30.09.2018
Month of year for 01.09.2018 date will be: 3
Accounting year will be: 2019

For example, if numbering periodicity is "year" for document, new numbers will start from 01.07.yyyy.

For all "date" typed functionalities begin of year will be 01.07.2018 (in our example).

So we need this functionality in script, in query and data composition schema too.

Edited: Murat Yazlıyev - Oct 10, 2018 08:26 AM
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Dear Murat,

Thank you!

We have sent this request to our 1C:Enterprise platform development team.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Dear Murat,

Our platform development team recommends to develop such functionality as part of your solution configuration. If in your configuration you cannot implement certain cases to support this functionality, please specify them here and our platform development team will consider them.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Joined: Apr 5, 2012
Company: 1TÇ Şirketi - Merv Bilgi İşlem Otomasyonu Yazılım Ltd. Şti.

Hi Vladimir,

Firstly thank you for your attention.

We understand that all functionalities may be not implemented in platform level. We asked even if it may be done from platform side, this would be more easy to develope thus solutions for 1C developer who has similar situation. Otherwise, we will support on our configuration.

Best regards, Murat

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