This forum is intended for cases when a problem can not be solved due to restrictions of the platform: a bug or lack of functionality.

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Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.

Platform: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 (
Configuration: Solucion contable para peqenas y medianas empresas (2.7.08b) (
Abaco Soluciones S.A. 2011-2018
Configuration extension: Saloncito impresion pedidos (1.0)
Mode: File (without compression)
Application: Thin client
Localization: Infobase: Spanish (Argentina), Session: English
Interface mode: Taxi

1/24/2019 12:46:29 AM
Stream format error

The only think happened is that laptop ran out of juice. Can not run after that event.

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Dear Alexey,

To be able to give advice on the issue, we need more information on it. Could you please let us know the details that follow the "Stream format error" string in the error message?

And hope you have a fresh infobase backup.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Vladimir. There were no details.
I figured it out. It was broken cache.
Could I suggest for platform developers that in the case of this type of errors automatically erase cache without user interaction. It is quite difficult explain to a typical user how to delete cache.  

Also a more detailed error message is suggested.

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Dear Alexey,

We have forwarded your suggestion to our dev team.

Meanwhile, our recommendation to your end users when they encounter such an error message is to address for technical assistance or to try resetting the cache as the first step. The latter is not quite a straightforward procedure indeed. Though, there are third-party tools that simplify performing this procedure.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Vladimir Gurov wrote:
Though, there are third-party tools that simplify performing this procedure.

Could you name some?

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you can create *.bat file

rmdir "%AppData%\1C\1Cv8" /S /Q
rmdir "%LOCALAPPDATA%\1C\1Cv8" /S /Q

and execute when you encounter an error

The second way (if you get such errors every day) - use the additional run parameter /ClearCache  (only for thin client) however, you will get reduced performance

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Here is a couple of links to third-party tools that deal with the 1C:Enterprise cache (in Russian):

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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There are 4 methods to clear 1C cash.

Kind regards,

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Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.


thank you for the link.

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