This forum is intended for cases when a problem can not be solved due to restrictions of the platform: a bug or lack of functionality.

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Видимо всвязи с оптимизацией в 15 релизе до версии как минимум перестали работать конструкции типа
              DebtorsAndCreditorsTransactionsBalance.MyCompany AS MyCompany,
              DebtorsAndCreditorsTransactionsBalance.DebtorOrCreditor AS DebtorOrCreditor,
              DebtorsAndCreditorsTransactionsBalance.ValueBalance AS ValueBalance
              AccumulationRegister.DebtorsAndCreditorsTransactions.Balance(, ThisIsAdvance = FALSE) AS DebtorsAndCreditorsTransactionsBalance

Приводит к ошибке:

Поле не найдено "ThisIsAdvance"
AccumulationRegister.DebtorsAndCreditorsTransactions.Balance(, <<?>>ThisIsAdvance = FALSE) AS DebtorsAndCreditorsTransactionsBalance

"ThisIsAdvance = TRUE" и NOT ThisIsAdvance работает

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All posts should be in English.Links to other sites are allowed in case of citations or additional explanations and should display English text.

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Dear Leshchenko Evgenii, there are some spam topics, perhaps someone should do something about them

PS I apologise for the off topic

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OK, no problem.
So, have you corrected that one in
Just for non-russian speaking users, the problem was that the constructions like
VirtualTable(, BooleanField = FALSE) gave an error while VirtualTable(, NOT BooleanField ) and  VirtualTable(, BooleanField = TRUE) worked fine.

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Hello Oleg!

We were unable to simulate this error on the platform.

What`s your 1C configuration? Are you using a file database or client-server?

Or can you describe the structure of the accumulation register?

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Here we go. Just use this sample configuration.
Of course, any compartibility mode must be off.

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Hi Oleg!

We registered a bug.

Thank you for contacting.

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Hi Oleg!

The 1C 8.3.16 platform has been released. This bug is fixed there.

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