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The configuration uses multiple languages. You need to add the ability for the user to generate reports in the DCS in the selected language. In this case, the report generation language will differ from the current configuration and user language.

Using the LanguageCode property for a SpreadsheetDocument does not produce the desired results.
Is it technically possible for the platform to implement this requirement?
Platform version 8.3.17

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Hello Igor,

in this case, you can make several DataCompositionSchemas (DCS) in one report, each language has its own DCS. And already when generating a report, depending on the language chosen by the user, generate the necessary data.

Please see screenshots and source code below. I also attached a sample of the simplest report with a choice of languages.

Procedure OnComposeResult(ResultDocument, DetailsData, StandardProcessing)
   StandardProcessing = False;

   If language Then 
        SchemeDataComposition = GetTemplate("DataCompositionSchema_en");
        SchemeDataComposition = GetTemplate("DataCompositionSchema_ru");

    Settings = SettingsComposer.GetSettings();
    TemplateComposer       = New DataCompositionTemplateComposer;
    TemplateComposition    = TemplateComposer.Execute(SchemeDataComposition, Settings, DetailsData);
    CompositionProcessor   = New DataCompositionProcessor;
   CompositionProcessor.Initialize(TemplateComposition, , DetailsData);
   OutputProcessor = New DataCompositionResultSpreadsheetDocumentOutputProcessor;

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Hello Igor,

no such problem was found on the platform. Please clarify in what configuration you're working? Also please email a sample source code where the error occurs.

Best regards,

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I create new configuration at platform
Add objects:
- two languages
- one catalog
- one report

I add this code in object module in report

Procedure OnComposeResult(ResultDocument, DetailsData, StandardProcessing)
   ResultDocument.LanguageCode = "ru";

As a result, I don't get russian headers under english user.
What am I doing wrong?

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If I add this code, I don't get result

Procedure OnComposeResult(ResultDocument, DetailsData, StandardProcessing)
   ResultDocument.LanguageCode = "ru";
   StandardProcessing = False;
   Settings = ThisObject.SettingsComposer.GetSettings();
   UserSettings = ThisObject.SettingsComposer.UserSettings;
   TemplateComposer = New DataCompositionTemplateComposer;
   CompositionTemplate = TemplateComposer.Execute(ThisObject.DataCompositionSchema, Settings, DetailsData);
   CompositionProcessor = New DataCompositionProcessor;
   CompositionProcessor.Initialize(CompositionTemplate,, DetailsData, True);
   OutputProcessor = New DataCompositionResultSpreadsheetDocumentOutputProcessor;
   ResultItem = CompositionProcessor.Next();
   While ResultItem <> Undefined Do
      ResultItem = CompositionProcessor.Next();

   ResultDocument.LanguageCode = "ru";

Under the English user, I still get English headers
And only russian user, I get russian headers

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