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Company: 1TÇ Şirketi - Merv Bilgi İşlem Otomasyonu Yazılım Ltd. Şti.


We upgraded 1C up to version.
Clients are closing suddenly after a while work, but sessions are not closing on server side. Clients are using thin client in windows, linux ubuntu (both 32-64 bits), macOS and mobile client on iOS. Connection working via web server (both http and https protocols).

Server: Ubuntu Server 16.04.1 LTS (64-bit)
Web server: Apache 2.4.18
DBMS: PostgreSQL 9.2.1

Is there way to find out the reason of suddenly closing up of client?

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Company: 1TÇ Şirketi - Merv Bilgi İşlem Otomasyonu Yazılım Ltd. Şti.

Dear 1C support team,

Thank you for your support :)

We decided to low down 1C:Enterprise to working version.

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Dear Murat,

If you still have logs of your system running on 1C:Enterprise Platform (including the technological log), could you please share it with us? It would be helpful to analyze the issue you encountered.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Joined: Apr 5, 2012
Company: 1TÇ Şirketi - Merv Bilgi İşlem Otomasyonu Yazılım Ltd. Şti.

Hi Vladimir,

Sorry we have not any log at the moment.

But in few days planning to upgrade up in another server with different params. If will reach such error will inform you.

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