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I had really high hopes for EDT since it was early beta. I had been installing it, playing for several minutes before it crashes, thought that it was early beta and then waiting for the new release to come. Now, few years later after production release I am giving up.

First of all you can not use git. Well, you could, but if you merge something using  command line or rebase you could be in trouble. I new it. I have tried not to use it.

Second, sometimes it fails to sync with designer. I knew it, you just needed to delete extra object that are not very supported and create them in designer afterwards and import them again.

But now the EDT just have forgotten about some of the objects I have been created. They are gone. No, they are still on the disk and thankfully in GIT, but not in the project anymore. Why? I have no idea. Probably Stashing is not supported also and I may have use it once.

Ok. We have a backup, right? Right! Could we import from git files and get the project as it was before? Nope. Somehow metainformation get lost
Ok. Could we import from .cf file the difference? No, not supported (or I have not find how)
Ok. Could I make another Infobase from scratch and import to EDT again and then compare? Yes I can! Is it solves the problem? Not really. Now it shows me that almost every object of my configuration is different. Why? I don't know. It just handles the same data differently this time.
Oh, yes I have upgraded EDT from 1.9 to 1.10, now the imported before and imported now is different. Ups...

You may be thinking that pressing merge could be a, well, good idea, considering that it seems the only option... Ok. I have pressed:

The moral:
your source code is not actually source. You can't build from it. You can't rely on it.

p.s. I am in the middle of restoring of all of the work lost

Edited: Alexey Gerasimov - May 22, 2019 07:19 PM
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Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.

Update. I managed to get my changes back to EDT through importing-exporting-comparing-merging-deleting"extra"files-cursing...

And now...

Designer operation error occurred

Execution log:
Process database structure...

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Dear Alexey,

<<First of all you can not use git. Well, you could, but if you merge something using command line or rebase you could be in trouble. I new it. I have tried not to use it.>>
In the latest EDT 1.11 version, both Git merge and Git rebase working in console mode and called from EDT should work correctly. If you encounter issues when working with git from EDT 1.11, please specify the details on the particular use case.

<<Second, sometimes it fails to sync with designer. I knew it, you just needed to delete extra object that are not very supported and create them in designer afterwards and import them again.>>
Please send us the log of the workspace where you reproduced the issue.

<<But now the EDT just have forgotten about some of the objects I have been created. They are gone. No, they are still on the disk and thankfully in GIT, but not in the project anymore. Why? I have no idea. Probably Stashing is not supported also and I may have use it once.>>
We need more details on the use case. What particular objects were created, what platform version was used.

<<Ok. Could we import from .cf file the difference? No, not supported (or I have not find how) >>
Currently, EDT does not support this use case. In EDT, you can compare and merge configurations stored in EDT format.

<<Ok. Could I make another Infobase from scratch and import to EDT again and then compare? Yes I can! Is it solves the problem? Not really. Now it shows me that almost every object of my configuration is different. Why? I don't know. It just handles the same data differently this time.>>
In EDT 1.11, we fixed many issues caused by differences in data storage formats when working with the infobase in EDT. Please try installing EDT and let us know if the issues you reported earlier are still reproduced.

As for the screenshot "Unable to start merge due to errors.", please provide us with the workspace log and the projects you tried to compare.

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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thank you for your effort.

As of now 1.11 is still test version.

Versions Release date
1C:Enterprise Development Tools v. (test version)

My previous experience with test releases shows that they normally fail to work from the installation. At least 1.10, 1.9, 1.7 did failed.  

If the developers are really interested it correcting errors ASAP we could provide them access to workspaces, so they could perform test and copy all the necessary files.
Sorry, but I do not want to continue this beta testing process, last time it took me more than 6 hours to restore all the coding we have made. Good we have everything back-uped.

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Dear Alexey,

Please let us know what tools that enable remote control to your computer you prefer: TeamViewer, Ammyy Admin, anything else?

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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Company: Abaco Soluciones S.A.

TeamViewer is fine

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