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Company: 1TÇ Şirketi - Merv Bilgi İşlem Otomasyonu Yazılım Ltd. Şti.


We want to try 1C EDT

Is there any documentation for installation of tool? Which version of java needed etc.

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Joined: Dec 4, 2017

Dear Murat,

Here you are:

Minimum system requirements

- Operating system
   64-bit operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 and later, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and later, OS X 10.12 and later.

- Processor
   Intel Core i3 (at least, generation 2) and above. It is not recommended to use mobile and ultra-mobile processors below Intel Core i5.

   4 GB and more.

- Java Platform
   64-bit Standard Edition ( SE 8 ), version 8u144 and above. Newer Java SE versions (Java SE 9, 10, 11, 12) are not supported.

- 1C:Enterprise platform
   Versions 8.3.8 - 8.3.14. To ensure stable work of EDT, it is recommended to use final rather than testing versions of 1C:Enterprise platform.

   EDT installation consumes about 1,200 MB of disk space. For storing EDT work areas, it is recommended to use SSD disks.

- Display
   Display resolution starting from 1280×768.

This profile enables you to use EDT for developing applied solutions having average complexity:

- 6,300 configuration objects
- 2 700 forms
- 5 800 modules
- 200 roles

Best regards,
Vladimir Gurov

1C Company support team
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