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I am trying to find the syntax assistant database as a pdf document. While browsing through the 1C:Enterprise installation directories, I come across html files, but they are fragmented into thousands of documents. Is it possible to find this as a single document?

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Dear Ertuğrul Birses,

I really don't know in what scenario you need this data. But if you need complete guide to learn 1C development you can find it here (look at PDF file on page) with basics and common methods.

Also you can try to find syntax assistant in EDT (didn't check, it's just assumption).

Edited: Bogdan Zuy - Jan 30, 2024 07:57 PM (missed word)
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Dear Bogdan, we have an AI interface that we developed with SSL and many different Config documentation. There is also the developer guide document you recommended. We plan to develop our AI interface with the syntaxassistant database to make it more functional. I will check inside EDT. Thank you.

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Hello Ertuğrul,

unfortunately yes, the syntax assistant is not available as a separate file.

But you can try to find the information you need. In fact, the main part of the assistant's syntax is stored in the file "shcntx_ru.hbk" - this is for the Russian language. For another language, instead of "ru" there will be a different meaning.

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