Barcode Scanning via Data Collection Terminals (For Android)

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For mobile platform there is method to scan barcode picture. For example:

#If MobileAppClient Then
      BarcodeScanProcessor = New NotifyDescription("BarcodeScanProcess", ThisObject);
      BarcodeScanCloseProcessor = New  NotifyDescription("BarcodeScanProcessScreanClose", ThisObject);
      MultimediaTools.ShowBarcodeScanning("Get image into the barcode frame", BarcodeScanProcessor, BarcodeScanCloseProcessor, BarcodeType.Linear);

As example, in Data Collection Terminals there is a huge button to activate barcode scanning. And this method is more effective then scanning barcode via "Camera".

So for that, is there possibilty in Mobile Platform to read scanned barcode via External Event (as it was in PC applications)?

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Hello, Murat!

Usually hardware scanners support keyboard input emulation. This means that it inserts the barcode value into the active form field.

For Android OS you can use MobileDeviceApplicationLaunch() function for this.

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