Thumbnails Form Mobile App

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I need to make a dynamic form same as in attached picture.

Picture and description came from a web service.
Picture came as hexBinary.

How i can dynamically add this pictures (by code) on a form.

I tried with image field and it didn`t work, neither as Decoration Picture.

Products = GetDataFrom1C();
//Products is an array of objects of type Product ( which have properties Name - string and Image - hexbinary)   
If Products <> Undefined Then
      i = 1;
      For Each Product In Products Do
         CurrentGroup = ThisForm.Items.Add("Product" + String(i), Type("FormGroup"),Items.MainGroup);
         CurrentGroup.Type = FormGroupType.UsualGroup;
         DecorationPicture = ThisForm.Items.Add("ProductImage" + String(i), Type("FormField"), CurrentGroup);
         DecorationPicture.Type = FormFieldType.PictureField;
         DecorationPicture.Picture = New Picture(Product.Image); //Product.Image is binary data
         DecorationName = ThisForm.Items.Add("ProductName" + String(i), Type("FormDecoration"), CurrentGroup);
         DecorationName.Type = FormDecorationType.Label;
         DecorationName.Title = Product.Name;
         //AddFormDecoration("ProductImage" + String(i),CurrentGroup, ,FormDecorationType.Picture, Product.Image);
         //AddFormDecoration("ProductName" + String(i),CurrentGroup,,FormDecorationType.Label);
         i = i+1;

Edited: Marius Gidu - Jul 02, 2015 12:34 AM
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Timofey Bugaevsky



Picture on a form is an URL of the storage where it is placed actually. Please see an example in the
How to change the picture on a button programmatically? topic.

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I tried but i get the following error :
Error setting value of context attribute (DataPath)
DecorationPicture.DataPath = PictureAddress;
Invalid value

Products = GetDataFrom1C();
//Products is an array of objects of type Product ( which have properties Name - string and Image - hexbinary)   
      i = 1;
      For Each Product In Products Do
         CurrentGroup = ThisForm.Items.Add("Product" + String(i), Type("FormGroup"),Items.MainGroup);
         CurrentGroup.Type = FormGroupType.UsualGroup;
         PictureAddress =  PutToTempStorage(Product.Image, ThisForm.UUID);
         DecorationPicture = ThisForm.Items.Add("ProductImage" + String(i), Type("FormField"), CurrentGroup);
         DecorationPicture.Type = FormFieldType.PictureField;
         DecorationPicture.DataPath = PictureAddress; 
         i = i+1;

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Company: Smart ID Dynamics

I tried even FormDecorationPicture and didn`t work.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Marius, you need to create an attribute of the String type and place it on a form as a form item with Picture type.

And then assign the picture address in the temporary storage to that attribute. You can find an example in the same How to change the picture on a button programmatically? topic.

Hope, this helps.

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