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Hi, I wanted to know how I can bulk translate, Like I give a list of word to app that I specify witch word translates to what and the app translates all of the world for me.

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Hello Amirali,

sorry, but your question is not very clear. Do you want to create an application that will translate words from a list? Or something else?

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No, Here is an example
I have the word "Product" That I want to have the synonym of "محصول" everywhere in my application; How can I do that without going everywhere in my app and change the synonym by hand?

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Well,there are lots of translation API's and software that you can choose for translations. For example if you are looking to use API's then you can use Google Cloud Translation API, Microsoft Azure Translator Text API, and Amazon Translate and similarly if you are looking to use translation software then you can use some popular options such as SDL Trados, MemoQ, and OmegaT.
I hope you are clear now.

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I would suggest to create a catalogue with predefined elements in which each word you want to translate you type in Name attribute of a catalogue element and the translation of that word you put into element Description attribute. Then in each document or catalogue where you want to translate interface into another language in OnOpen() event handler you retrieve translation of the words you want to use in the interface from that catalogue with predefined elements and assign them to Title attribute of form elements which you want to translate.

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