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Task 3.4 in Final Project
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Points:: 0
Joined:: Jan 11, 2021

Hi, every one, I'm stucking with the task 3.4. So I repost the  task to help every one find easier to follow and then I'll ask my question below

"TASK 3.4 Log the Income docs processing

After all, documents are processed you have to record the operation's detail into the central log.

This is what you need to do:

Collect references of the documents processed into an array.
Create a structure and fill it out with the parameters passed to the ProcessIncomeDocs procedure.
The structure key should be set to the parameter name and the value - to the parameter value.
Call the GeneralPurposeSrv.WriteLog procedure written by other developers (You can create templates of these module and function you make your Infobase work properly )
Pass these parameters to the procedure:
Parameter 1: The name of the calling procedure
Parameter 2: The array with processed documents references
Parameter 3: The structure with parameter names and values "

So what is the central log and do you recommend some document to read or watch about it?
Thank you

Active user
Points:: 0
Joined:: May 8, 2013

Hello, Phan Hoàng Anh.

There is no such thing as a central log in 1C:Enterprise. It's just made up for the task purposes. Your goal is to call the GeneralPurposeSrv.WriteLog procedure with correct parameters. To check if you pass correct data you can use the debugger.

Active user
Points:: 0
Joined:: Jan 11, 2021

Thank you

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