Do you mean 1C:Subsystems Library? The short name for it is SL. The only thing I can tell you regarding plans is that there will be a notification when it will be released. I'm sorry for this.
Is it possible to keep Russian support and synonyms inside library? For example in Small Business configuration all objects of SL keeping Russian synonyms
Joined: Jun 25, 2013
Company: 1C Company
Pavel Zhgulev, pre-alpha version of 1C:Subsystems Library 2.2 is available. Pay attention, this is a test version with only a part of the Base functionality subsystem.
Do you have any information about future road-map of SL product(as well as Accounting suite)? Current version of subsystems library is too old, we couldn't rely on it.
In the nearest future we are going to publish the new version of 1C:Subsystems Library. Please, stay with us and you will get updated information soon.