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Hi all

I use ExternalDataSource(ODBC). But data (1C) incorrect.

i use ODBC on C#, data ok.

Pls, help me!


Download ODBC1.png (116.34 KB)
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Timofey Bugaevsky


Hello, Ha Thien Thach.

Which version of 1C:Enterprise platform do you use?

You are reading data from some external SQL table, right? And how do you display this data? Can I have the sample configuration?

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Hi Timofey Bugaevsky

I use 1C and sqlserver (2008R2, 2014). I reading data from some external SQL table (gbkmut)

CREATE   TABLE [dbo].[gbkmut](
   [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
   [bkjrcode] [smallint] NULL,
   [reknr] [char](9) NULL,
   [datum] [datetime] NULL,
   [periode] [char](3) NULL,
   [bkstnr] [varchar](20) NULL,
   [dagbknr] [char](10) NULL,
   [oms25] [varchar](60) NULL,
   [bdr_hfl] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [btw_code] [char](6) NULL,
   [btw_bdr_3] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [btw_grond] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [tegreknr] [char](9) NULL,
   [debnr] [char](12) NULL,
   [crdnr] [char](12) NULL,
   [kstplcode] [char](10) NULL,
   [kstdrcode] [char](10) NULL,
   [aantal] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [valcode] [char](3) NULL,
   [exvalcode] [char](3) NULL,
   [koers] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [wisselkrs] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [koers3] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [bdr_val] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [dbk_verwnr] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [verwerknrl] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [volgnr5] [char](5) NULL,
   [regel] [char](4) NULL,
   [regelcode] [char](1) NULL,
   [storno] [tinyint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [bkstnr_sub] [varchar](20) NULL,
   [betcond] [char](2) NULL,
   [btwper] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [oorsprong] [char](1) NULL,
   [vlgn_gbk2] [varchar](30) NULL,
   [btw_grval] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [afldat] [datetime] NULL,
   [docnumber] [varchar](30) NULL,
   [docdate] [datetime] NULL,
   [exvalbdr] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [entryorigin] [char](1) NULL,
   [vervdatkrd] [datetime] NULL,
   [vervdtkrd2] [datetime] NULL,
   [vervdatfak] [datetime] NULL,
   [kredbep] [char](1) NULL,
   [bdrkredbep] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [bdrkredbp2] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [betaalref] [varchar](20) NULL,
   [stat_nr] [smallint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [btw_nummer] [varchar](20) NULL,
   [rapnr] [char](6) NULL,
   [raplist] [char](6) NULL,
   [artcode] [varchar](30) NULL,
   [faktuurnr] [char](8) NULL,
   [bud_vers] [char](8) NULL,
   [syscreated] [datetime] NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
   [syscreator] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [ReminderCount] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [sysmodified] [datetime] NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
   [ReminderLayout] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [LastReminderDate] [datetime] NULL,
   [sysmodifier] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [sysguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL DEFAULT (newid()),
   [BlockItem] [tinyint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [timestamp] [timestamp] NOT NULL,
   [CompanyCode] [char](3) NULL,
   [res_id] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [TransactionType] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [CurrencyCode] [char](3) NULL,
   [Rate] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [bankacc] [varchar](34) NULL,
   [AmountCentral] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [VatBaseAmountCentral] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [PaymentMethod] [char](1) NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [VatAmountCentral] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [CurrencyAliasAc] [char](3) NULL,
   [DocumentID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
   [facode] [varchar](20) NULL,
   [transtype] [char](1) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_transtype]  DEFAULT ('N'),
   [transsubtype] [char](1) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_transsubtype]  DEFAULT ('N'),
   [freefield1] [varchar](75) NULL,
   [freefield2] [varchar](75) NULL,
   [freefield3] [varchar](75) NULL,
   [freefield4] [float] NULL,
   [freefield5] [float] NULL,
   [project] [varchar](20) NULL,
   [DocAttachmentID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
   [cmp_wwn] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
   [warehouse] [char](4) NULL,
   [orderdebtor] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
   [PayrollSubtype] [char](4) NULL,
   [ReconcileNumber] [int] NULL,
   [warehouse_location] [char](10) NULL,
   [EntryGuid] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
   [TransactionGuid] [uniqueidentifier] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TransactionGuid]  DEFAULT (newid()),
   [TransactionGuid2] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
   [Checked] [tinyint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [Reviewed] [tinyint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
   [BankTransactionGUID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
   [StockTrackingNumber] [char](8) NULL,
   [StartTime] [datetime] NULL,
   [EndTime] [datetime] NULL,
   [ReportingDate] [datetime] NULL,
   [CashRegisterAccount] [varchar](34) NULL,
   [Original_Quantity] [float] NULL,
   [comp_code] [char](8) NULL,
   [Selcode] [char](2) NULL,
   [Unitcode] [char](8) NULL,
   [Pricelist] [varchar](15) NULL,
   [Discount] [float] NULL,
   [Shipment] [varchar](30) NULL,
   [IntTransportMethod] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntPort] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntSystem] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntTransA] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntStatNr] [varchar](9) NULL,
   [IntStandardCode] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntTransShipment] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntTransB] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntArea] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntLandISO] [varchar](3) NULL,
   [IntLandDestOrig] [varchar](3) NULL,
   [IntDeliveryMethod] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [IntStatUnit] [float] NULL,
   [IntWeight] [float] NULL,
   [IntComplete] [tinyint] NULL,
   [LinkedLine] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
   [PayrollCosts] [tinyint] NULL,
   [TaxCode2] [char](3) NULL,
   [TaxCode3] [char](3) NULL,
   [TaxCode4] [char](3) NULL,
   [TaxCode5] [char](3) NULL,
   [TaxBasis2] [float] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TaxBasis2]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [TaxBasis3] [float] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TaxBasis3]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [TaxBasis4] [float] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TaxBasis4]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [TaxBasis5] [float] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TaxBasis5]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [TaxAmount2] [float] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TaxAmount2]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [TaxAmount3] [float] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TaxAmount3]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [TaxAmount4] [float] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TaxAmount4]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [TaxAmount5] [float] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_TaxAmount5]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [StatisticalFactor] [float] NULL,
   [IntLandAssembly] [varchar](3) NULL,
   [backflush] [tinyint] NULL,
   [LastReminderLayout] [varchar](8) NULL,
   [Correction] [char](6) NULL,
   [IBTDeliveryNr] [varchar](8) NULL,
   [Routing] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [Step] [int] NULL,
   [Reasoncode] [varchar](30) NULL,
   [TransactionNumber] [varchar](20) NULL,
   [Type] [smallint] NULL,
   [Status] [tinyint] NULL,
   [UniqueSeqNo] [int] NULL,
   [CompleteOperation] [tinyint] NULL,
   [ImSerialNr] [varchar](22) NULL,
   [ImportationNr] [char](8) NULL,
   [RevaluationCurrency] [char](3) NULL,
   [LineType] [smallint] NULL,
   [Operation] [varchar](10) NULL,
   [ExternalNumber] [varchar](30) NULL,
   [ExternalNumberRecordID] [bigint] NULL,
   [RevaluationRate] [float] NULL,
   [PositionNumber] [varchar](20) NULL,
   [StatementDate] [datetime] NULL,
   [StatementNumber] [char](10) NULL,
   [IntrastatEnabled] [bit] NULL,
   [AllocationType] [char](1) NULL,
   [OfficialExchangeRate] [float] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_OfficialExchangeRate]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [OfficialAmountDC] [float] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_OfficialAmountDC]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [OfficialBasisDC] [float] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_gbkmut_OfficialBasisDC]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
   [ScheduledResources] [int] NULL,
   [ManualStartLock] [bit] NULL,
   [ManualStopLock] [bit] NULL,
   [FirmZoneLock] [bit] NULL,
   [Division] [smallint] NULL,
   [OperationQuantityComplete] [float] NULL,
   [ID] ASC


display this data(1C): 17233248
display this data(SQL): 17233249  
// i run dbcc checkdb('006') on sqlserver and no error.
//DBCC results for 'gbkmut'.
//There are 3674 rows in 504 pages for object "gbkmut".
//CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 0 consistency errors in database '006'.
//DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

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file configuration

Download test.dt (34.15 KB)
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Hi Timofey Bugaevsky

I create new database. After cre ate   table gbkmut and insert data. But display this data(1C): 17233248 - error.

- file attach: test1c.rar
- script: dbo_gbkmut.rar

pls, help me!

INSERT INTO [dbo].[gbkmut] ([ID], [bkjrcode], [reknr], [datum], [periode], [bkstnr], [dagbknr], [oms25], [bdr_hfl], [btw_code], [btw_bdr_3], [btw_grond], [tegreknr], [debnr], [crdnr], [kstplcode], [kstdrcode], [aantal], [valcode], [exvalcode], [koers], [wisselkrs], [koers3], [bdr_val], [dbk_verwnr], [verwerknrl], [volgnr5], [regel], [regelcode], [storno], [bkstnr_sub], [betcond], [btwper], [oorsprong], [vlgn_gbk2], [btw_grval], [afldat], [docnumber], [docdate], [exvalbdr], [entryorigin], [vervdatkrd], [vervdtkrd2], [vervdatfak], [kredbep], [bdrkredbep], [bdrkredbp2], [betaalref], [stat_nr], [btw_nummer], [rapnr], [raplist], [artcode], [faktuurnr], [bud_vers], [syscreated], [syscreator], [ReminderCount], [sysmodified], [ReminderLayout], [LastReminderDate], [sysmodifier], [sysguid], [BlockItem], [timestamp], [CompanyCode], [res_id], [TransactionType], [CurrencyCode], [Rate], [bankacc], [AmountCentral], [VatBaseAmountCentral], [PaymentMethod], [VatAmountCentral], [CurrencyAliasAc], [DocumentID], [facode], [transtype], [transsubtype], [freefield1], [freefield2], [freefield3], [freefield4], [freefield5], [project], [DocAttachmentID], [cmp_wwn], [warehouse], [orderdebtor], [PayrollSubtype], [ReconcileNumber], [warehouse_location], [EntryGuid], [TransactionGuid], [TransactionGuid2], [Checked], [Reviewed], [BankTransactionGUID], [StockTrackingNumber], [StartTime], [EndTime], [ReportingDate], [CashRegisterAccount], [Original_Quantity], [comp_code], [Selcode], [Unitcode], [Pricelist], [Discount], [Shipment], [IntTransportMethod], [IntPort], [IntSystem], [IntTransA], [IntStatNr], [IntStandardCode], [IntTransShipment], [IntTransB], [IntArea], [IntLandISO], [IntLandDestOrig], [IntDeliveryMethod], [IntStatUnit], [IntWeight], [IntComplete], [LinkedLine], [PayrollCosts], [TaxCode2], [TaxCode3], [TaxCode4], [TaxCode5], [TaxBasis2], [TaxBasis3], [TaxBasis4], [TaxBasis5], [TaxAmount2], [TaxAmount3], [TaxAmount4], [TaxAmount5], [StatisticalFactor], [IntLandAssembly], [backflush], [LastReminderLayout], [Correction], [IBTDeliveryNr], [Routing], [Step], [Reasoncode], [TransactionNumber], [Type], [Status], [UniqueSeqNo], [CompleteOperation], [ImSerialNr], [ImportationNr], [RevaluationCurrency], [LineType], [Operation], [ExternalNumber], [ExternalNumberRecordID], [RevaluationRate], [PositionNumber], [StatementDate], [StatementNumber], [IntrastatEnabled], [AllocationType], [OfficialExchangeRate], [OfficialAmountDC], [OfficialBasisDC], [ScheduledResources], [ManualStartLock], [ManualStopLock], [FirmZoneLock], [Division], [OperationQuantityComplete])
VALUES (6775, 2015, N'     4111', '20150115', N'  1', N'15100003', N' 10', N'[B]Salary Quoc Anh in Jan.15 SRHR/SOF/HN/15/01[/B]', [B]17233249[/B], N'0', 0, 17233249, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'158/TA01', N'15/01', 0, N'VND', N'VND', 1, 1, 1, 17233249, 0, 0, N'    4', N'  28', N'B', 0, NULL, NULL, 0, N'A', NULL, 17233249, '20150115', N'OBA/1/11', '20150115', 0, N'N', NULL, NULL, '20150115', N'K', 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'10000033', NULL, '20150522 16:31:55', 1, 0, '20150629 11:57:08', 0, NULL, 1, N'{428B9192-89DF-4CD4-B147-FE97EFC102DE}', 0, '19000101 00:05:56.690', N'006', 1, 100, N'VND', 1, NULL, 17233249, 17233249, N'', 0, N'VND', NULL, NULL, N'N', N'N', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'{E939AAC3-0F71-4382-9250-4812ED077C12}', N'{82162C65-8969-4E51-8128-E4C9DCB192F1}', NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'0', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL)

display 1C
oms25                                        bdr_hfl
Salary Quoc Anh in Jan.15 SRHR/SOF/HN/15/01 17.233.248,00000000

Download test1c.rar (182.04 KB)
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Thank you, Thach. We need some more time to reproduce the issue and recommend the solution. I will answer you later this week.

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Dear Thach,

We have reproduced your issue and it looks like a platform bug. We need some more time to investigate it and find a way to fix if.

Sorry for your inconvenience. Will let you know as soon as we have any news on this.

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Good day to you Ha Thien Thach,

Please try changing the type of bdr_hfl in SQL database from float to bigint. We testd and it worked. To prevent an error when saving your change please
go to Tools menu, click Options, expand Designers, and then click Table and Database Designers. Select or clear the Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created check box.

Please let us know if the issue still exists,

Thank you and have a great day!

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Hi Sergey Maranjyan,

I will built report on Exact Globe System (http://www.exact.com/products)
(Exact Globe Next is an end-to-end business management solution. It offers accounting, inventory management, billing and invoicing, financial reporting, and more ...)

All column type float. Because don't changing the type (in SQL database from float to bigint)

[bdr_hfl] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
[btw_code] [char](6) NULL,
[btw_bdr_3] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
[btw_grond] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
[koers] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
[wisselkrs] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
[koers3] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),
[bdr_val] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0.0)),

All column( type float) is error.

I thinks 1C platform bug.

Pls, to fix bug on 1C


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I use COMObject("ADODB.Recordset") but is error (ID:810 - 375.067,32 - 375.067,31 Other:0,01) !

I code on 1C 8.3.7

Procedure CheckODBC_ADO()
   ConnectString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=DESKTOP-3VAE73V;Initial Catalog=050;User ID=sa;Password=Htt123456";

   Сonnect ADO = New COMObject("ADODB.Connection");
   СonnectADO.ConnectionString = ConnectString;

   RS = New COMObject("ADODB.Recordset");
      RS.Open("SEL ECT ID, bdr_hfl FR OM dbo.gbkmut", СonnectADO );
        Message ("Không thể kết nối tới CSDL");

   Tb = New ValueTable();
   While RS.EOF() = 0 do
      Row = Tb.Add();
      Row.ID = RS.Fields("ID").Value;
      Row.bdr_hfl_Ado = RS.Fields("bdr_hfl").Value;
   Sqlstr = new Query("SELECT
                      |   dbo_gbkmut.ID,
                      |   dbo_gbkmut.bdr_hfl
                      |   ExternalDataSource.Mcnv.Table.dbo_gbkmut AS dbo_gbkmut");
   Lb1 = Sqlstr.Execute().Select();
   While lb1.Next() Do
      Row = Tb.Add();
      Row.Id = lb1.ID;
      Row.bdr_hfl_Odbc = Round(Lb1.bdr_hfl, 2);
   Tb.GroupBy("ID","bdr_hfl_Ado, bdr_hfl_Odbc, Other");
   For Each Line In Tb Do 
      If Line.bdr_hfl_Ado <> Line.bdr_hfl_Odbc Then
         Message(string(Line.ID)+ " - " +String(Line.bdr_hfl_Ado) + " - " +String(Line.bdr_hfl_Odbc) + " Other:" + string(Line.bdr_hfl_Ado-Line.bdr_hfl_Odbc) );

ID   ADODB.Recordset ExternalDataSource    
810 - 375.067,32 - 375.067,31 Other:0,01
2.212 - 375.067,32 - 375.067,31 Other:0,01

1.105 - 871,6900000000001 - 871,69 Other:0,0000000000001
1.106 - -871,6900000000001 - -871,69 Other:-0,0000000000001
1.303 - 681,8200000000001 - 681,82 Other:0,0000000000001
1.304 - -681,8200000000001 - -681,82 Other:-0,0000000000001
1.305 - 681,8200000000001 - 681,82 Other:0,0000000000001
1.306 - -681,8200000000001 - -681,82 Other:-0,0000000000001
1.345 - 89,20999999999999 - 89,21 Other:-0,00000000000001
1.346 - -89,20999999999999 - -89,21 Other:0,00000000000001
1.467 - 95,70999999999999 - 95,71 Other:-0,00000000000001

1346 2015     3212 2015-03-30 00:00:00.000  3 15700104 70       Bank interest CVN office VND bank account Q1/2015 -89.21 0     0 -89.21

Pls, help me.


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Row.bdr_hfl_Odbc = Round(Lb1.bdr_hfl, 2) -> Row.bdr_hfl_Odbc = Lb1.bdr_hfl;

1.181 - 505.051,39 - 505.051,375 Other:0,015
718 - -1.397,81 - -1.397,81005859375 Other:0,00005859375
719 - 1.397,81 - 1.397,81005859375 Other:-0,00005859375
723 - -1.397,81 - -1.397,81005859375 Other:0,00005859375
766 - 0,12 - 0,119999997317791 Other:0,000000002682209
769 - 29.750,86 - 29.750,859375 Other:0,000625
772 - 29.750,86 - 29.750,859375 Other:0,000625
770 - -0,12 - -0,119999997317791 Other:-0,000000002682209
771 - 0,12 - 0,119999997317791 Other:0,000000002682209
807 - -80.170,49000000001 - -80.170,4921875 Other:0,00218749999
614 - -2.326,1 - -2.326,10009765625 Other:0,00009765625
620 - 2.326,1 - 2.326,10009765625 Other:-0,00009765625
621 - -2.326,1 - -2.326,10009765625 Other:0,00009765625
617 - 0,91 - 0,9100000262260437 Other:-0,0000000262260437
1.178 - -0,91 - -0,9100000262260437 Other:0,0000000262260437
622 - 0,91 - 0,9100000262260437 Other:-0,0000000262260437
1.184 - 0,91 - 0,9100000262260437 Other:-0,0000000262260437
805 - -69.221,28 - -69.221,28125 Other:0,00125
838 - -69.221,28 - -69.221,28125 Other:0,00125
839 - 80.170,49000000001 - 80.170,4921875 Other:-0,00218749999
840 - -80.170,49000000001 - -80.170,4921875 Other:0,00218749999
810 - 375.067,32 - 375.067,3125 Other:0,0075
2.212 - 375.067,32 - 375.067,3125 Other:0,0075
673 - -2.503,21 - -2.503,2099609375 Other:-0,0000390625
674 - 2.503,21 - 2.503,2099609375 Other:0,0000390625
779 - 2.503,21 - 2.503,2099609375 Other:0,0000390625
780 - -2.503,21 - -2.503,2099609375 Other:-0,0000390625
811 - -529,85 - -529,8499755859375 Other:-0,0000244140625
812 - 529,85 - 529,8499755859375 Other:0,0000244140625
813 - -10,15 - -10,14999961853027 Other:-0,00000038146973
814 - 10,15 - 10,14999961853027 Other:0,00000038146973
2.214 - 529,85 - 529,8499755859375 Other:0,0000244140625
2.215 - -529,85 - -529,8499755859375 Other:-0,0000244140625
819 - 10,15 - 10,14999961853027 Other:0,00000038146973
820 - -10,15 - -10,14999961853027 Other:-0,00000038146973
2.216 - -0,47 - -0,4699999988079071 Other:-0,0000000011920929
2.217 - 0,47 - 0,4699999988079071 Other:0,0000000011920929
2.218 - 24,79 - 24,79000091552734 Other:-0,00000091552734
2.219 - -24,79 - -24,79000091552734 Other:0,00000091552734
2.220 - 0,47 - 0,4699999988079071 Other:0,0000000011920929
2.221 - -0,47 - -0,4699999988079071 Other:-0,0000000011920929
2.222 - -24,79 - -24,79000091552734 Other:0,00000091552734
2.223 - 24,79 - 24,79000091552734 Other:-0,00000091552734
925 - 7.739,49 - 7.739,490234375 Other:-0,000234375
926 - -7.739,49 - -7.739,490234375 Other:0,000234375
938 - 3.662,01 - 3.662,010009765625 Other:-0,000009765625
940 - -3.706,76 - -3.706,760009765625 Other:0,000009765625
982 - 2.926,86 - 2.926,860107421875 Other:-0,000107421875
983 - -2.926,86 - -2.926,860107421875 Other:0,000107421875
986 - 1.289,93 - 1.289,930053710938 Other:-0,000053710938
987 - -1.289,93 - -1.289,930053710938 Other:0,000053710938
1.054 - 1.425,92 - 1.425,920043945313 Other:-0,000043945313
1.055 - -1.425,92 - -1.425,920043945313 Other:0,000043945313
1.056 - 826,03 - 826,030029296875 Other:-0,000029296875


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Hi Ha Thien Thuch,

Please add CAST to the ODBC query. Here is the tested line of code that yield correct results:

| CAST(dbo_gbkmut.bdr_hfl AS NUMBER(16,2)) AS _bdr_hfl

Please let us know if you still experience the issue.

Thank you,

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Hi Sergey Maranjyan

I use "CAST(dbo_gbkmut.bdr_hfl AS NUMBER(16,2)) AS bdr_hfl " is OK.

Thank you.

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