How to connect a barcode scanner?

Powerful and flexible application for small business management. See 1C:Small Business description

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Aho, friends!

I have bought a barcode scanner and want to connect it to my infobase. How can I do this?

Thanks in advance.

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Barcode scanner is like a keyboard. While you open document in 1C put your cursor into the barcode  field then scan barcode. It should copy the code to the selected field.

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If you use 1C:Small Business 1.4 than you may do it here:
subsystem "Administration" -> "Setting" (in the right top corner) -> "Equipment connection" (in the right bottom corner)

For 1C:Small Business 1.2:
subsystem "Setup and Administration" -> "Connected Equipment" (in the left side of application)

This solutions already have drivers for most popular types of equipment.

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Timofey Bugaevsky


Take a look at this topic also: 1C Barcode printing control

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